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  1. peoples

    Tags High Efficiency Lighting Garden

    Really good stuff Tagsy! That 660 is a beast! On the top of your head, what do you recon the read would be for a 1000w HID at 24" ? Why not test 12" ? =) Btw, instead of buying the deep red extension for the Pontoon for 800$, how about buying 10 of these...
  2. peoples

    Led Users Unite!

    haha! I wish that was my grow! ;) I grow with a puny HydroGrow 400. Instead of buying the deep red extension for the Pontoon for 800$, how about buying 10 of these...
  3. peoples

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    Added some better pictures of the Boron issues. This is two of the other plants that are not affected. The stem is almost all green: And this is the one that is. Keep in mind that even tho the stem looks thinner than the ones that are not affected, it's just thinner...
  4. peoples

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    You are talking about the rust issues, right ? But what are not all the plant feeling the same wrath ? My temp is around 20 celcius, 65-67F, but it was up in the mid 70's a long time.
  5. peoples

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    Update time, with fresh photos! The most of the plants are doing better. Starting to build a fine canopy! Only set back is that the one in the back left corner shows some deficiencies, most likely Boron, as this table seem to indicate: Here...
  6. peoples

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    So I looked everywhere for Mosquito Dunks, with the type "bacillus thuringiensis israelensis", only thing to find in Spain seems to be this one: "bacillus thuringiensis var. Kurstaki" <- this is of course the main strain. Parent if you will of the israelensis. What I have been told in various...
  7. peoples

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    They are all California Hash Plant, flower from 45-55 days. I think they will be harvested a little early but sometimes these things just happen. As you said, learning curve indeed :D Bibs ? Plastic to the stalk (stem?) ? I already have put up some kind of barrier between the medium and the...
  8. peoples

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    Update time, ..sorry, no photos this time around. Lets take the bad first.. I have Fungus Gnats, first time any bugs / pest have crept into my grow. First I thought it was Thrips, but the flying bastards I see now, plus the small larvae I see on the growing medium it can't be anything else...
  9. peoples

    Tags High Efficiency Lighting Garden

    How many days do you recon before harvest ? The spidermites will not be a problem ?
  10. peoples

    Led Users Unite!

    Led grow:;feature=c4-overview&amp;list=UUxvXihaay3ZE_f5nA_vQC6w "for anybody&#65279; that was wondering, I took the 3 nicest led plants and the 3 nicest hps plants. After 7 days drying there was 23.75 oz from the led's and 26.95 oz from the hps...
  11. peoples

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    Led grow:;feature=c4-overview&amp;list=UUxvXihaay3ZE_f5nA_vQC6w "for anybody&#65279; that was wondering, I took the 3 nicest led plants and the 3 nicest hps plants. After 7 days drying there was 23.75 oz from the led's and 26.95 oz from the hps...
  12. peoples

    Tags High Efficiency Lighting Garden

    Dank! Great job Tags! Love the popcorn nuggets on the Ace, mmm small nuggets of heavenly juice! How to do manage to keep the AT in that angle, do they just stay in that position or are there different attachment holes for the carbine hooks ?
  13. peoples

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    Ye, all the cannabis related forums I am on do not have a Aquaponics thread, they all post in hydro or organic, this should really change. We should gather all the AP threads and make a thread in Hydro / Organic with all of them, to kind of push the Admins to administer a sticky, or even better...
  14. peoples

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    Looking for some input on a couple of things here. So I sprayed the whole canopy with my homemade pest control, have not seen anymore Thrips crawling around. The flying bastards are still around, tho. I recon our new and improved medium protective shield they would find it more difficult to lay...
  15. peoples

    Tags High Efficiency Lighting Garden

    I wish I had two more hands so I could give this post four thumbs down!
  16. peoples

    Tags High Efficiency Lighting Garden
  17. peoples

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    Looks like the mixture was up to the plant liking, no effect on the leafs what so ever. Added a half ts of Neem oil and just went crazy! Also cleaned the drip system and created a buffer over the pots and around the gaps, to minimize the algae build up. The drain area that the pots sit in have...
  18. peoples

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    Yeah, haven't really seen them around here, tho. Spain is a couple of years after the rest of us as far as internet solutions and availability goes. Mom and pap stores everywhere, closing the store for 4 hours in the middle of the day, so on and so forth. I am going to buy up on the stuff as...
  19. peoples

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    Do you live in the states ? Found out that the only possibility for me to get either Hypoaspis miles or lady bugs in spain, is to order it from Belgium, and since they come in larva form, they need to be shipped in special package that can hold them in their 10-15 celcius degree survivor temp...