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  1. Spread That Seed

    My first Super Soil Run

    just hoppin in now, sorry im late. your ladies are lookin real nice n proper
  2. Spread That Seed

    First time soil grow gotta go with Subcools SS

    do you top or LST your plants? I've read that sub tops most of his and I am kind of a noob when it comes to topping and all that stuff. I usually just do a long veg and trim maybe the bottom 1/4 of the plant off and I usually get pretty good yields
  3. Spread That Seed

    Got a ticket to the Qrazy Train...

    might just be me being dumb but it seems to me that the qrazy train seedlings are growing slow. I have some querkle seedlings at day 12 that are double the size of yours but they're in an organic soil mix. I've noticed slow growth using hempys with seedlings but I use the perlite/vermic mix...
  4. Spread That Seed

    Jerry's Perpetually Organic Garden

    Growing 3 pineapple chunks and 2 LSDs at the moment a long with others, the LSD seeds i got seemed to be pretty week but the pineapple chunk were crazy healthy. You plants look great, just read from beginning to end. Keep up the good work, STS and jeb5304 fuck you for you're sig, that bug...
  5. Spread That Seed

    Hempy bucket ph problem

    What nutes are you using? I use pureblendpro grow and bloom with my hempys and the run off is usually 5.8-6.1
  6. Spread That Seed

    Subcool, are your strains altered to prevent people from breeding with them?

    I've had a couple GH seeds that came as freebies and so far the 5 that I've grown all have been crap, 2 weren't viable and the other 3 just sucked in general. Just got my first batch of TGA seeds and have had 100% success so far, all germed and are growing outa control. In the past I've had...
  7. Spread That Seed

    First time soil grow gotta go with Subcools SS

    Thanks ATB. All the research is finally paying off :)
  8. Spread That Seed

    Subcool, are your strains altered to prevent people from breeding with them?

    for sure, TGA is the real deal. Only other seed co I want to purchase from is serious seeds, got my eye on that white russian
  9. Spread That Seed

    Qrazy Train

    I want way too many of subcools strains and it drives me crazy that I cant afford to get 4-6 dif strains. Can't wait to check this qrazy train out. as always good work sub youre a genius at what you do.
  10. Spread That Seed

    2010 Revised Super Soil Recipe

    When/if I notice any deficiency in my SS garden I'll probably just add a little pureblend pro grow to sustain till i transplant for flower, but I like to veg longer than most. If anyone gives a rat ass, I dont know if it is organic but the botanicure pure blend pro grow is by far the best...
  11. Spread That Seed

    First time soil grow gotta go with Subcools SS

    And heres some pics of the boy. haha sorry i know you guys dont appreciate the pics as much as i do. The boy loves his cheeba lust like his master
  12. Spread That Seed

    First Time Hempy Bucket Grow

    This was my very first plant, DWC or bubbleponics or w.e. I believe it was grape ape but who knows what the shit clubs sell these days finally found a buddy to exchange clones with so im pretty stoked. I know most of yall dont give to fucks about this grow, but for all you who are lurking i...
  13. Spread That Seed

    First time soil grow gotta go with Subcools SS

    Green Crack shall we say day 1? Front right is the green crack clone. Top right behind the green crack is the dinafem seedling. Top middle is the other querkle seedling (still cant believe all 10 took). Bottom middle is one the of the struggling pineapple chunk seedlings that was in the hempy...
  14. Spread That Seed

    First time soil grow gotta go with Subcools SS

    Cherry AK-47 teen day unknow: Once I transplant maybe into a 3 gay I'll prob veg for another 2-3 week, I love doing long veg times. you can kinda see the hempy cups strugglin in the background but I picked up the cherry ak from a pal and it seems super healthy.
  15. Spread That Seed

    First time soil grow gotta go with Subcools SS

    Purple Cheese Day unknown: You can tell from how tall it was when it was in the hempy style then when I transplanted it into roots. They are the two bigger ones on the left. The one in the clear cub is an LSD seedling which im debating what to do with, might do coco. Top right soil square is...
  16. Spread That Seed

    First time soil grow gotta go with Subcools SS

    Querkle day 10: The 9 querks in the cfl cabinet, the other querk is in the t5 room. Im likin the 125watt 6500k cfl better than the t5s so far
  17. Spread That Seed

    First time soil grow gotta go with Subcools SS

    Day 10: Querkle babies are out of control, never seen this fast of a growth from seed. The other half of my grow is in the hempy bucket method and I'm startin to think about movin most of them all to organic soil. Had to move the purple cheese I had to the roots mix because they were looking...
  18. Spread That Seed

    First Time Hempy Bucket Grow

    and heres my other baby
  19. Spread That Seed

    First Time Hempy Bucket Grow

    Bubble Skunk Day 66:
  20. Spread That Seed

    First Time Hempy Bucket Grow

    Master Kush Day 66