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  1. Jonnybgood35

    Dang noob

    I can’t find that phone. This is the newest pic that transferred. There are also a couple clones in the back that I didn’t factor into yield because they foxtailed. I got a whole yield lab set with inline fans and a tent. Ducted it all up to keep it cool but it still got up there a few times so...
  2. Jonnybgood35

    Dang noob

    Hold on let me dig up my old phone
  3. Jonnybgood35

    Dang noob

    I am on my second grow but learning as well. My first harvest I got a half an elbow of nice dense nugs off one of these I also trained and topped and wove the tops into a trellis...
  4. Jonnybgood35

    When flowering a plant for the purpose of making feminized seeds using colloidal silver , will the plant fertlilize itself in that moment ?

    Imagine if every time you fucked yourself you got pregnant! My plant that popped dicks pollinated itself and almost no one else. I guess she was feelin her self. I imagine the biology works the same with colloidal silver induced pollen.
  5. Jonnybgood35

    Total bull!

    I would rather be stupid and kind than brilliant and unkind. I’ve never been a patient, thankfully, I get to use weed for fun. I hope your condition isn’t serious. I really feel for all the people who had to make it through prohibition with a condition where they needed marijuana for comfort and...
  6. Jonnybgood35

    Total bull!

    Medical cannabis is not cheap in Vermont, as stated in the article. If I was disabled I’d like to be able to at least provide something for myself, wouldn’t you? I’m not sure this discussion is going anywhere. I feel for the guy, you don’t, ‘nuff said.
  7. Jonnybgood35

    Total bull!

    Simpler for you and me because we have the means and space to do so. Not everyone can be an expert farmer I certainly am not I’m not trying to push anything but this story. We had a discussion and, as in many conversations about weed, legalization came up. Prohibition never worked. Maybe you...
  8. Jonnybgood35

    Total bull!

    Seems to me he had his problem solved until the police took his solution. rules that made no accommodation for a fella in his situation. I’m not expecting you to be compassionate, but to try and convince me not to be seems silly.
  9. Jonnybgood35

    Total bull!

    A very bright man said “legalize it and I’ll advertise it” do you even listen to Bob Marley?!?! Yeah I grow, Im new but I learn all the time. I can’t wait till the system says I can grow more. I am fortunate enough to be indoors, this man wasn’t. Can you imagine him trying to navigate his...
  10. Jonnybgood35

    Total bull!

    So let me get this straight... You think humans developed an affinity for cannabis even though it didn’t get them high? Unlikely. Land race cannabis still exists, some is quite good. South African Durban poison was a treat
  11. Jonnybgood35

    Total bull!

    Jokes are fun, even when they are at your expense if you have a good attitude. You called me mad earlier, perhaps I am, but not in the way you mean it. My argument is this: I don’t believe that the government should get to regulate what grows from the ground, at all. Like any farmer you would...
  12. Jonnybgood35

    Total bull!

    Wouldn’t stop if I could. I would proliferate gods gift all over the place if I had no fear of being arrested! Proliferation of cannabis sounds ideal. More is better after all.
  13. Jonnybgood35

    Total bull!

    Convince you? You just convinced me! That sounds like a utopia. If we could just get these cops and prosecutors to stop arresting people for farming we may yet make our dream come true!
  14. Jonnybgood35

    Total bull!

    Yep I didn’t call your opinion stupid and I hope you do what is best for you. I was referring to you calling me dim. It seems no one on the internet can have a discussion without insulting one another over a difference in opinion, I think that’s sad. I’m sure you are a great person who would...
  15. Jonnybgood35

    Total bull!

    I’m so glad you think you know me well enough to insult my intelligence based on my opinions and beliefs. How respectful and kind you are! Please go tell your legislators how thankful you are that they let you grow the plant God put on Earth for us. Mama always said stupid is as stupid does. -...
  16. Jonnybgood35

    Total bull!

    I was beginning to think I was on a website for prohibitionists! Thank you, well said.
  17. Jonnybgood35

    Spider Farmer Black Friday Giveaway, Hurry Up

    USA 42 thanks for the opportunity
  18. Jonnybgood35

    Total bull!

    Being 76 must be much harder than being paralyzed from the chest down. For me this comes down to the letter of the law vs the intent of the law. Is the intent of the law to take away this mans cannabis that makes him feel better? I hope not. I wouldn’t call you an asshole for your opinion. I...
  19. Jonnybgood35

    Total bull!

    It’s 2 mature plants 7 immature for Med. 2 mature 6 immature for rec in Vermont. I believe that is stated in the article. 2 plants is not enough for that guys whole year. In Vermont if it’s in flower it counts as mature.
  20. Jonnybgood35

    Total bull!

    He couldn’t take care of his needs by playing by the rules. He needed more than the rules allowed and couldnt afford to buy it from the medical marijuana system on his disability check. If a patient can’t get relief by playing by the rules then the system is broken and needs to be fixed. Not...