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  1. mrFancyPlants

    Voting Against Prop 19 means :

    Shit, sorry - it's been a while since I read it. So higher limits for possession by commercial growers. Still don't understand why you're going to have to buy an oz at a time if you qualify as a patient. Can you explain that? What's the 8oz limit from? Is that your county's medical limit...
  2. mrFancyPlants

    Voting Against Prop 19 means :

    Look, do you really think 19 is going to make the price of weed rise above the current street level? If it did, people would just use the established underground networks(or create new ones) and the state wouldn't get their money. I don't know what to say about federal grant money - I guess...
  3. mrFancyPlants

    Voting Against Prop 19 means :

    Looks like this thread went off into the weeds... For what it's worth - think of it this way: if we pass 19, CA will be a magnet for stoners, and we'll have a much better chance of passing a more permissive measure in 2012. The corn analogy is stupid - look at alcohol. Has alcohol been...
  4. mrFancyPlants

    Voting Against Prop 19 means :

    Sorry about that - I forgot that just replying without a quote doesn't provide a link back to the message that was replied to. Yes on 19! The reason people are so pissed at the naysayers is that this is the first real opportunity for reforming marijuana laws and ending 80 years of failed...
  5. mrFancyPlants

    Voting Against Prop 19 means :

    Dude, is that spanglish? I have no idea what you're saying. You can't speak english yet you expect us to trust your understanding of the prop. Stop being a tool. Relax, and let the big fist of cannabusiness s-l-o-w-l-y slide out of your rectum.
  6. mrFancyPlants

    People are missing the BIG picture with Prop 19

    Dude - it perfectly describes you. You're a mindless instrument, being used by people bigger than you to do their dirty work. Yes, that sounds like a tool. More proof you have no ideas, from your PM to me: "Fuck NORML and fuck YOU AND PROP19 I could give a fuck what you or any...
  7. mrFancyPlants

    People are missing the BIG picture with Prop 19

    Shit dude, I was just going to point out once again that you're a tool, but then I noticed you're from Tulare. I'm sorry man, that must suck.
  8. mrFancyPlants

    Voting Against Prop 19 means :

    Ya know, this thread and all the other bullshit threads like it are 'tl;dr'. It's the same shit over and over again - some tool like you watches a youtube video and thinks they've discovered some secret that everyone else in the legalization movement has missed. Grow the fuck up. Read what...
  9. mrFancyPlants

    Stoner Taboo... HELP!

    Like we haven't seen this bullshit on the internet before... "I did X and didn't experience Y, so X can't ever cause Y." I've talked to enough people who can't eat or sleep after smoking weed to firmly believe the effects are real. The few times I've tried to stop smoking over the last... 17...
  10. mrFancyPlants

    RO Water System - Is it really necessary for everyone??

    Another update - the auto-shutoff valve from failed after 2 weeks of use. I picked up another one from Watts and it's working fine again. The D.I. filter gives me near-zero ppm which is actually waaaay too clean. I started running into cal-mag deficiencies and had to get a...
  11. mrFancyPlants

    Can I substitute "Sweet" with blackstrap Molasses?

    Jesus... really? Who would be so stupid as to pour molasses directly in to their reservoir? You gotta dissolve it in some warm water and maybe even filter it first. Reservoir water should always be cold. If you don't dissolve it first, it ain't gonna dissolve and you'll end up with clogged...
  12. mrFancyPlants

    RO Water System - Is it really necessary for everyone??

    Another update - finally sent me another check-valve and this one was also bad. This one was a different style - not the usual quick connect fitting but the nylon compression style. The valve worked fine, but the plastic elbow's threads were not properly cut. The first half...
  13. mrFancyPlants

    Forum Timing Out

    It's still happening here. I guess they don't care.
  14. mrFancyPlants

    RO Water System - Is it really necessary for everyone??

    I'd start by disconnecting each stage and then turning on the water for a bit. Once the water from the first stage runs clear, turn off the water, hook it to the next stage, flush the next stage, etc. until you've flushed all of the stages before the RO membrane. Once you get the RO membrane...
  15. mrFancyPlants

    Subcool's Super Soil

    Another option being selling a pre-mixed box of amendments, which when added to commonly available soil and baked for 3 months would result in supersoil. Might be easier to get it off the ground that way.
  16. mrFancyPlants

    RO Water System - Is it really necessary for everyone??

    Any real RO system would work. Just stay away from sediment-only filters like the 'tall boy' or 'little boy'. You shouldn't have to spend more than $120 or so for a system. How many gallons per day do you need? That's the real question.
  17. mrFancyPlants

    RO Water System - Is it really necessary for everyone??

    Here's what I'm doing for water: Ordered a 100GPD(gallon per day) "portable"(i.e. tankless) RO system from I also picked up a float valve and a auto-shutoff valve for a total of $100. The valve is usually incl. w/ tanked RO but not portable systems - this shuts off the flow...
  18. mrFancyPlants

    RO Water System - Is it really necessary for everyone??

    I'd be willing to bet that the folks who don't think they need R.O., or the folks suggesting rainwater, don't live in Southern California. Chances are, if your tap water is clean enough to not need R.O., you live somewhere that gets enough rain to have washed out the minerals already(i.e. the...
  19. mrFancyPlants

    Subcool's Super Soil

    Sadly there isn't much I can do about the temps - no A/C just lots of airflow through the room. If it's 90 outside, the room's not going to be any cooler than that. Also, I just harvested an Aurora and she did have a tiny bit of PM in one of her buds, so the mycogrow didn't completely...
  20. mrFancyPlants

    Subcool's Super Soil

    I don't think Sub ever endorsed the Myco grow - I did :) I've heard conflicting stories regarding PM and humidity. I run dry - temps around 80 and humidity around 30-40, sometimes less. There are several strains of fungus that are normally lumped into the category of 'powdery mildew'. Some...