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  1. slackjack

    The Perfect Hydro Medium (Allegedly)

    That sounds pretty impressive, but it might also be just like oasis which I'm not a fan of. I've heard of some company making what sounded like rapid rooter-ish 6" rockwool replacements. I'll try to find a link. EDIT: Shit, searched a couple online hydro stores but nothin... I originally saw...
  2. slackjack

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    DAMN! And all I've pulled off so far today was brewing coffee. You catch em for a puff?? What are they up to these days?? I envy you more and more Mr Marks!!
  3. slackjack

    The Attitude Seedbank

    it seems most have! no worries mon :joint::bigjoint:
  4. slackjack

    anybody know of a high profit plant?

    can you cultivate american ginseng or just chinese?
  5. slackjack

    anybody know of a high profit plant?

    ginseng is top dollar and promises not to be an easy grow! Always gotta like a good challenge...
  6. slackjack

    8x4 1200w OG Kush (1st timer)

    OG is dead sexy!! I'm in bterz!
  7. slackjack

    They are hearing our voices.

    A good reminder of what we left behind Jan 20th: Hope for the best, prepare for the worst!
  8. slackjack

    They are hearing our voices.

    Praise him for it! We gotta stick together, if they ignore us five more times and have to keep restarting the vote for us to say the same thing over and over we can't be ignored! The forum Obama's given us to express ourselves nationally is a precious gift compared to the last 8 years and I...
  9. slackjack

    They are hearing our voices.

    Good call! F*ck it! Give up and surrender! :spew:
  10. slackjack

    What do usa think of UK

    so like 200 pounds? lol all i can find is a dollar sign for currency why would the uk sell in ounces/pounds?
  11. slackjack

    What do usa think of UK

    For sure, very heavy thought. Just thought I'd share... A friend of a friend in Texas offered me an ounce of what we call "beasters" (you've probly heard but canadian export) for $450 but the worst part was this was after a headstash smoke down from like a halfpound of supersuper! Some people...
  12. slackjack

    What do usa think of UK

    When I think of the UK I picture a funny accent, I'm jealous of your seed from a store you walked into capabilities, and I wonder if vegetarianism is as popular in there as it is here (I've heard not and its basically a pain in the ass to be one here, unless you love to cook). Thats about it...
  13. slackjack

    This is the New stuff...2009 TGA Releases

    subcool, prabhu, thank you thank you thank you, your pictures make me drool!! I'm ready to enlist!
  14. slackjack

    This is the New stuff...2009 TGA Releases

    A Green Avenger will never overcharge... when they charge...
  15. slackjack

    Diesel Ryder 400 grow

    makes sense, AFs confuse me because it seems a plant flowering in alot of light would have the energy for the dankest buds - not at all what ruderalis (in general, i've heard AFs being sold are quite strong) is known for. But it's kinda like the 24/7 vs 18/6 debate for veg- I say the dark time...
  16. slackjack

    rapid rooters vs rockwool

    Yeah, sorry for lack of direct experience with perlite and MJ, its def not as valued until the cannabiscientific method has been tested, tried and true.
  17. slackjack

    Guns and Growing.

    ROFL, those are two of the greatest sentences I've ever read on RIU....:clap:lol You mind if I put in my sig? I'll PM you.... EDIT: Yeeaaahhhhh......
  18. slackjack

    Best strain ever smoked?

    I think if I was a breeder sellin seeds, I would always through in a couple purpusefuly hermied chicks in with the males to ensure a better female to male ratio. in the seeds. I think it may be counterproductive to those who would want to try to breed those seeds though (possibly, i dunno...
  19. slackjack

    rapid rooters vs rockwool

    Naw and I honestly haven't tried it with MJ, but I entertained myself with a couple of community college greenhouse/nursery classes year before last. You'd probly want a dome but just about anything that clones will root in perlite. I think most of the time I used straight peat for propogation...
  20. slackjack

    rapid rooters vs rockwool

    Your asking aero or hydro?? I gotta say aero there brotherman, it takes a cycle timer and a decent pump. I've only smoked aeroponics once (but it didn't come from a grower so my first guess is its BS) but it was great weed. If you go that route you gotta start a thread! (you should do that...