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    T5 fluorescent?? wtf

    im in the uk and am intending to set up a seperate grow/clone room form the flowering room these t-5's is that the hood part of the light ot the light itself ? and am i right in thinking that they are flurecent bulbs ? and cheaper to run than the hps i am currently using for flowering ? :?

    Free Grow Videos

    he does it on the cheap and pulls it off man wish i had seen this befor blowing a grand on kit :twisted: but im new and we all have to start some where must admit this experience is addictive baby sitting plants and watching them through each process is as good as watching the aquarium im into...

    Start Proving It!!!!!

    i was looking to buy a digiyal set up but my local grow shop has withdrawn them from sale as ther is a BIG issue with them giving off signal at a wavelength that interferes with nearby tv radio and wi fi equipment the shop i am talking about had one set up on display and had the local telecomms...

    mother plant

    i all im a green behind the hears neeewbie :evil: we all have to learn and i have found that over the years if you dont ask you dont get an answer !!! so the situation i recently obtained 10 cuttings from 2 sources the first 6 were in a dia condition and i thought they were going to die they...

    anyone who helps will be a star

    im also a newbie found this really good pics and advice