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  1. TropiKanna

    How do you take shrooms? How often?

    I see nothing wrong with this
  2. TropiKanna

    How do you take shrooms? How often?

    If your stomach is that weak then maybe you shouldn't be taking shrooms... or mix it in a PB&J
  3. TropiKanna

    Anyone ever been a sugar daddy??

    Yes he's right... just give it to her. Everything will be just fine lmao
  4. TropiKanna

    What's wrong with her?

    It all looks good. Leaves yellowing and dying off at this point in flower is normal...
  5. TropiKanna

    Advanced Seeds - Auto Strawberry Gum - PEV Grow

    Seed Bank: PEV Grow ( Seed Bank Location: Spain Genetics By: Advanced Seeds Seed Strain: Auto Strawberry Gum Lineage: Bubblegum X Strawberry Tues, Aug 4 2020: After waiting 3-3.5 weeks for my first small 3 pack of seeds they finally arrived! I swear, years ago when I used to order...
  6. TropiKanna

    Safe to add nutes?

    I disagree you dont have less time to mess with an auto... you have less room for error as burning an auto will greatly affect your overall yield greatly. Most autos prefer very very light nutrients... burn an auto with nutes or stress it to much and you will be sorry you did... thats honesty
  7. TropiKanna

    Safe to add nutes?

    Typically if you are using a medium that doesn't have pre-ammended nutrients then you wouldn't start feeding with nutes until about the two week mark. But thats just general rule of thumb and can vary dependent on your setup
  8. TropiKanna

    How she looking DIY

    For a small intro into growing and learning the basics... i think its the best way to go on a very small budget. Even if you dont yield anything but a smaller than average yield, you are learning... about the plant and the process... my only advice... if you find it becoming a hobby and want to...
  9. TropiKanna

    How she looking DIY

    Looks healthy... from the reflection I'd say you are running cfl bulbs
  10. TropiKanna

    Milky or clear

    A week maybe...
  11. TropiKanna

    Milky or clear

    Me personally I'd say it has a little growth left and weight to pack on... not much but I wouldn't say its done just yet
  12. TropiKanna

    Milky or clear

    Don't check the trichs on your leaves when your aim is to harvest your buds...
  13. TropiKanna

    New advice on 6" Clip on Fans for grow tent

    This is on ebay
  14. TropiKanna


    Thats most likely heat stress and underwatering...
  15. TropiKanna

    New advice on 6" Clip on Fans for grow tent

    Just waiting for my can filter to arrive as you can see
  16. TropiKanna

    New advice on 6" Clip on Fans for grow tent

    I just ordered and received my 6 inch Vivosun tent clip oscillating fan and I love it! Does exactly what I need it to
  17. TropiKanna

    What’s causing my plant to do this?

    at the very most your soil looks like it could use more drainage but I could be wrong as I can only catch a glimpse of your medium. But overall the plant looks happy and healthy... how much do you water? Usually drooping plants means its overwatered but could mean a few other things at well. But...
  18. TropiKanna

    What do you guys think

    Yes def cut out nutes last couple weeks of flower... they stop uptaking nutrients
  19. TropiKanna

    Muliple toppings longer flowering time?

    next time maybe place them in a Scrog net. The one on the left looks like it could use another week... the one of the right looks a tad bigger. Do you have a loup? To check trichs?