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  1. Indiann

    is drinkn after eating edibles safe and fun?

    Lol bro i've dne it. I was fucked up, i was smoking joints all night, eating edibles, and drinking black label straight.. Just know ur gonna black out lol.. I wud suggest not being the designated driver.. But try it.. Go clubbin and get fucked up. #OneLifeToLive!!
  2. Indiann


    I'm from the Islands.. Also if your going to order seeds, I would suggest using nirvana. They are trustworthy and reliable.
  3. Indiann


    Right now I have 10 in one patch. I was thinking about adding 5 more. Over here if they see it, they take it. Thats just how it goes. What strains you got coming fam?
  4. Indiann


    I'm not trying to find out bro lol.. I do my best to keep the choppers away. I got lucky last grow. I would take a guess and say more than 30 - 40 plants would start getting their attention.
  5. Indiann

    Noon question

    Basically just to seperate the strains.. Some people seperate strains so they know what every strain is.. Everybody has their own reasons.
  6. Indiann


    That sounds like a plan.. I only grow outdoors bro.
  7. Indiann

    Noon question

    I don't understand your question.. What do you mean exactly? Be more specific ..
  8. Indiann

    Help me

    From what I can see, it might be a female plant, but wait a week or so and you will know for sure.
  9. Indiann

    Help me

    A better pic is needed but from what I can see it is not showing signs of sex yet. About the strain, i'm not to sure. Looks healthy. You should start to see signs of gender in a week or two. You will start to see white hairs or little sacks which will tell you if the plant is a male or female...
  10. Indiann

    any thoughts on yield?

    I can see that happening..
  11. Indiann

    Droopy plant?

    She looks like she might be overwatered. How much gallons of water are you giving her and how often?
  12. Indiann

    What do you think is an appropriate raise for someone working minimum wage?

    Damn.. I need to start working for you. I would love making $20 a hour.
  13. Indiann

    GAY friend?? what should i do???? help

    Lol wow... I read this totally stoned and I can not stop laughing. But damn that's totally fucked up. I wuda beat his ass. You can't go to jail for that shit. You should file sexual harassment charges against him. He did get naked while u were in the pool with him and then decide to chase you...
  14. Indiann

    39 day cashcrop auto

    Sometimes it takes longer than expected, and sometimes even though there autos, they still don't flower till you change the light schedule to 12/12. Trust me, it's happened to me already. My advice would be to give her another week or so and see if she starts to flower. If she doesen't, I would...
  15. Indiann

    First time grower! How much will I yield?

    It is way to young to determine yield. Your best bet would be to let them grow out, take care of them and worry about yield after you've harvested. The most important thing now is to make sure they get enough light, water, and nutrients. I would also suggest transplanting them into bigger pots...
  16. Indiann

    White Widow really bad trip

    Me 2 bro. I started off smoking with tobacco so thats what i'm used to.
  17. Indiann

    strayfox garden testers

    Tnx alot fam.. I really appreciate the support and advice.
  18. Indiann

    First time LST.. How did I do?

    I think you started low stress training a little early and yea like pkhydro said they should really be in bigger pots. Once they are in bigger pots and get a little bigger you can begin training some more. Here is a pic of one of my girls that I lst'd.
  19. Indiann

    strayfox garden testers

    Tnx alot bro. I really appreciate the advice. I will post up more pic's and i'll just stick around. I have couple grows under my belt. I grow outdoors. These are some of my plants. The one on the left is a jock horror af and the tall one on the right is a freebie from nirvana. What you think?
  20. Indiann

    strayfox garden testers

    Q Quick question bro.. How can I also become a strayfox tester? I would really appreciate your help. I got my masters in marijuana horticulture and I also have alot of hands on experience under my belt. Any info or help will be greatly appreciated.