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  1. EvilScotsm@n

    Blm, the next level

    Bet you like white people even less though. It's fairly obvious now. Don't worry though you just keep at it. Keep hating the world and eventually it will work in your favour and fix all your problems
  2. EvilScotsm@n

    Blm, the next level

    It's cool man. Your jealousy shows just as much as your racist core. I love being Scottish. If you loved being you then you wouldn't have such a problem with the world :)
  3. EvilScotsm@n

    Blm, the next level

    I'm aware mate, were called Scots. Scotch, in the sense you use it is a directly racist and derogatory term. You think racism only applies to white people annoying black people. Need to open your eyes to the world around you man. It's bigger than that these days. You can't possibly offend me...
  4. EvilScotsm@n

    Blm, the next level

    Well that's unfortunate mate and makes me glad I don't live in America. They did get arrested though. Says they were arrested then bailed. Doesn't say if they were charged or punished though. And certainly doesn't say they weren't so might need to check a bit further into that one. Again...
  5. EvilScotsm@n

    Blm, the next level

    And you are a very racist towards Scottish people so most likely all white people. What's your point? Do you have one? Or are you just here like our good buddy buck to share your hatred with the world?
  6. EvilScotsm@n

    Blm, the next level

    Add something productive or go back to whatever little self hating hole you crawled out of buddy. :)
  7. EvilScotsm@n

    Do the main stalks on your plant straighten out after u stop lst’ing them ?

    Yeah we usually lst untill the plants start the preflower stretch mate. Some of us tie down again during to keep them shorter. Its that stretch when they flip that makes them go straight up. Think that's what you mean anyway.
  8. EvilScotsm@n

    Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he supports Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang

    I believe in the god eating penguin. I wrote a book on it so there's just as much evidence that he exists as there is for god. God exists purely because someone has faith. Well my faith goes to the penguin and because he's the god eating penguin god cannot exist. My penguin ate him. Argument...
  9. EvilScotsm@n

    Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he supports Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang

    You've got a serious problem with the world man. Gotta try and make everyone into something they're not. You never answered me before so we're you abused by your dad as a child? Are you a closet gay or an open gay who gets abused for That? What happened in your life to make you hate yourself...
  10. EvilScotsm@n

    Help me figure out this article please

    Co2 is for already great growers to push that extra 10% mate. If you can't already drop at least 20oz per square meter there's plenty far more important things to worry about first. You say you're new to this so honestly I wouldn't worry about any of it. All plants react differently to...
  11. EvilScotsm@n

    Blm, the next level

    No frustration buddy. Was just giving you guys some time to wind yourselves up and show the world your true colours. I've not been racist to anyone here but you've all been openly so towards me. Talking about mental conditioning blinding me from seeing properly? That's some funny shit like...
  12. EvilScotsm@n

    Blm, the next level

    Ch Read it and weep mate. Turns out it's actually over 4000. I dont just sit and make this shit up like you guys.
  13. EvilScotsm@n

    Blm, the next level

    And there lies the difference. As you can see if you'd read properly I am very open about my religious bigotry. If I don't even attempt to hide that then what reason would I have to pretend I'm not a racist? I'm clearly not bothered about offending 72% of the people on here with that attitude...
  14. EvilScotsm@n

    What is your cost per gram to produce?

    Hmm.. say average 500g per square meter. Lightings about £10 per week per meter. average crop time about 15 weeks so £150. Maybe £80 per meter per grow on nutes n stuff. £35 per meter on coco/perilite. So all in about £265 for 500g 50p a gram roughly-ish. Thought it would be higher than that...
  15. EvilScotsm@n

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Just enough beam that jim beam could beam if a jim beam could beam jim.
  16. EvilScotsm@n

    Which strain you like most

    Favourite Indica is dutch passion night queen. If that can knock you out then nothing will. For sativa it's seedstockers ak420. Takes forever to bloom but well worth the extra few weeks. And my all round awesome stone award goes to fastbuds bluedream auto. Fuckin lovely dunt off that stuff...
  17. EvilScotsm@n

    Where do I get seeds

    Cheapest reliable breeder on earth has gotta be seedstockers. Can get them for like £2 a pop there. It's mostly dutch passion genetics rebranded (legally) as their own so primo genes :)
  18. EvilScotsm@n

    Blm, the next level

    I fail to see how any of that could be construed as racism. It's not at all. Your just doing what I'm saying black people are doing. Claiming I'm a racist because you want me to be. That will soon also be punishable by law because there's so many people like you doing this. Your attitude is...
  19. EvilScotsm@n

    Blm, the next level

    What is? To not believe in God and not be scared of people who try to brand me a racist for it? Just for saying I'm sane and refusing to fear someones imaginary friend.
  20. EvilScotsm@n

    Blm, the next level

    And before you hit me with "show me proof of a white guy being charged for shouting about atheism." Its not there because we're not stupid enough to do it. Go check for yourself though and you'll find all the laws I'm talking about are absolutely in place.