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  1. Macncheesehaze

    What are/have been your breeding aims?

    I just want them for outdoor next year. None of my plants got to finish this year so I’m eliminating that problem. I’ll still run photos outdoors next year too but this guarantees me a harvest.
  2. Macncheesehaze

    Putting a praying mantis in my tent?

    Lady birds or lady bugs?
  3. Macncheesehaze

    Putting a praying mantis in my tent?

    So I have a praying mantis AND I also have a little bug problem in my tent. I know it’ll eat all the bugs but in its cage to give it water i just pray the inside of the cage and it drinks the droplets. My tent is in flower and I really don’t want to be adding extra humidity in that way. Anyone...
  4. Macncheesehaze

    People that own cats grow better weed

    My cat likes to sit on my lap while I’m spending time with my babies lol she has no concept that I’m doing something, if I’m sitting well it must be for her.
  5. Macncheesehaze

    How many can I fit?

    Mines in a 2.6 liter nursery pot
  6. Macncheesehaze

    What are/have been your breeding aims?

    I’m about to set a tent up to breed some autos. It’s been really tough where I’m at getting seeds so I feel it’s a must. I have somango xxl autos and I have 2 cash crop autos. I’m going to do two of each. I’ll ts or cs one of each and use the pollen to then pollenate the other. Once I do that a...
  7. Macncheesehaze

    How many can I fit?

    Can I see? I’ve never seen the plant just got the seeds you know?
  8. Macncheesehaze

    Mac’s back with a brand new grow

    Love the progress. Hopefully no nanners pop
  9. Macncheesehaze

    Veins yellowing, runoff PH suddenly quite low (5.2) with a high EC of 2.0, plant is close to harvest

    What makes ph fluctuate? All I do is mix my Rez and throw it in. No air pumps nothing. What’s causing it to change? I’m running roots organic spikes hydroponic mix with canna coco a and b and jacks professional cal mag. I ph to 5.8. (I’ll raise to 6.2 if that’s better) and atleast 2 times my ph...
  10. Macncheesehaze

    Veins yellowing, runoff PH suddenly quite low (5.2) with a high EC of 2.0, plant is close to harvest

    Mine are at exactly 2 weeks of flowering today. Everything looks good. All I did was adjust. I only checked mine because my autopot got knocked and leaked all over so I dumped it into a bucket and said screw it maybe I can dump it back in the Rez so I checked it and sure enough 5.2 so I just...
  11. Macncheesehaze

    Are these ready for transplant

    Yes absolutely are
  12. Macncheesehaze

    Veins yellowing, runoff PH suddenly quite low (5.2) with a high EC of 2.0, plant is close to harvest

    Weird I literally had the same thing happen. Went from 5.8 to 5.2.
  13. Macncheesehaze

    Seeing Numbers? 11:11? Synchronicities? Paranoia? Deja-vu's? Schizophrenia

    You know what’s crazy too. My birthday falls on the peak day of Diwali this year.
  14. Macncheesehaze

    Mac’s back with a brand new grow

    Edit I’m so lit I didn’t even post the pic :wall::bigjoint:
  15. Macncheesehaze

    Mac’s back with a brand new grow

    Tomorrow is 2 weeks since the first pistils showed. She’s taking off. I gotta peek through the window now or she’ll stink the building up. And we’re just getting started.
  16. Macncheesehaze

    3 supportive leafs!

    I’ve had this before with a wwxbb. It grew fine just had a major leaf to bud ratio. Lots of leaves.
  17. Macncheesehaze

    Is it time to Harvest? pics attached

    I didn’t say chop it lol I said your in range and check trichs. You could have gave it another week. I’m sorry I should have been more specific. She sure looks tasty tho.
  18. Macncheesehaze

    Is it time to Harvest? pics attached

    Well damn that’s still purple as hell! It looks extra close. You got a loupe to check the trichs? I’d say your within range.
  19. Macncheesehaze

    Is it time to Harvest? pics attached

    Can you take some pics without the light? Looks like 2 weeks left maybe.
  20. Macncheesehaze

    Yeild vs veg and plant number

    I did an outdoor grow with everything really close and it definitely cut my yield in that spot. Space em our and give the roots room to stretch out. Especially if your vegging for 21 weeks. You gotta have some major space to veg 20 plants for that long