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  1. Deputydank

    CFL grow Nirvana Northern Light Grow

    Howd your girls turn out? I just started a journal NL cfl grow also. Mine are on day 12
  2. Deputydank

    Northern Light Nirvana CFL grow

    I'm starting this journal 12 days into my little girl breaking the surface. She is a feminized Northern Light seed from the Nirvana seed bank. Soil is seedling starter soil made at a local garden supply store. She will be entirely grown under a mix of 2700k and 6500k 40 Watt, 150 watty...
  3. Deputydank

    Light timer issues!

    CFL Grow, I wouldn't think wattage would be the issue. But good info for future setups perhaps.
  4. Deputydank

    Light timer issues!

    I have one plant about 6 weeks into 12 and 12 light cycle using cfl and have now woke up TWICE to my lights not turned on! For some reason my timer has gotten stuck at a lights off time. By the time I catch it, they have already missed 4 hours of lights on for the day. Will my plant be ok as...
  5. Deputydank

    First grow journal cfl home built grow box.

    Sherman, your grow box looks like the bees knees man! You don't have the blueprints for it do ya? It looks perfect.
  6. Deputydank

    First grow journal cfl home built grow box.

    Looking good bro! My plant is some sort of sativa strain that I got as a freebie seed from Nirvana. I wanted to make sure I had my grow going properly before I used and potentially lost my last 3 Northern light seeds. But soon as this girl is done, I'm going to germ the NL. What size pot do u...
  7. Deputydank

    First grow journal cfl home built grow box.

    Had a pretty easy and uneventful veg but now they have been on 12 and 12 light schedule for two weeks now. For some reason this plant split in two from early on in veg and then I topped both branches once a week before light switch. Only one of the two ended up being a female so the male is...
  8. Deputydank

    First grow journal cfl home built grow box.

    New plants doing well now. These were started in jiffy pellet planted directly into seedling soil. They're 9 days old now and looking great! No sign of damping off this time! Woo-hoo! Bailed on the Coco coir for now at least.
  9. Deputydank

    having trouble starting seeds in coco

    Thanks for the info guys, and thanks for letting me borrow your thread Ebenezer.
  10. Deputydank

    having trouble starting seeds in coco

    Will simply rinsing the Coco thoroughly wash out whatever damping off pathogens are in the coco straight out of the bag? Is baking the shit really necessary? I have a bag of cocotek Coco and have lost 4 expensive NL seeds to damping off already. I used paper towel method and then planted into...
  11. Deputydank

    having trouble starting seeds in coco

    So the Coco your using for those little thriving seedlings is the same Coco that you had all the damping off problems with? Sounds like just a good ol fashioned wash n bake took care of whatever spores were in it? I was planning on doing the jiffy pellet as well. Did u use some sort of humidity...
  12. Deputydank

    having trouble starting seeds in coco

    So how are the seedlings looking now? Inquiring minds with similar problems want to know.
  13. Deputydank

    starting seeds in coco nightmare(part 2:the nightmare continues)

    I have lost 4 NL seedlings to damping off in Cocotek coir and it makes me want to pull my hair out. 80/20 Coco to perlite and they grew fine for probably 3 days and then just stopped and a day or two later fell over under their own weight. Did you ever solve your issues? I'm fixing to give up...
  14. Deputydank

    First grow journal cfl home built grow box.

    Well I sure appreciate all the information guys. It's nice to hear feedback from people with successful grows under their belt. I'm not too excited about supporting a company like Scotts and MG so I'll prob go with the good ol fox farm. Let's say for shits and giggles I was to keep my lady in...
  15. Deputydank

    First grow journal cfl home built grow box.

    Lol I hear ya bro! I'm getting fed up with this Coco. I'm fairly certain this seedling I got now is dying of damping off just like the last two did. I'm considering switching to soil once I get back from work. If not throughout the whole grow, at least through the seedling stage and then switch...
  16. Deputydank

    First grow journal cfl home built grow box.

    Just finished watching the YouTube video of the big drippy. Looks pretty idiot proof. My only concern is that from everything I've read about growing in Coco that you need to water til 20% run off so salt doesn't build up. Don't think that would be possible with the drip system. But would be...
  17. Deputydank

    First grow journal cfl home built grow box.

    Also, once u get your drip system set up would u mind sharing some pics of it? I r curious
  18. Deputydank

    First grow journal cfl home built grow box.

    Lookin fancy there deus! Lol. I like the idea of a drip irrigation but until I can get a couple successful traditional grows in I'll prob stick to the good old fashioned hand watering. Anyway, I'm nervous bc I leave for work in a couple days and be gone for 3 weeks so I'm hoping my wife treats...