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  1. brian330

    Problems with new plants - weak stem

    Ok. I have a few that are about 3.5 weeks old and trying to decide if i want to move some outside. They are in various mediums and were getting some miracle gro and super thrive until i over did it when i transfers them into 1 gallon pots about 8 days ago. I've watered till run off twice since...
  2. brian330

    Problems with new plants - weak stem

    Awesome! Thanks for the tip! I'm also a newbie and am trying to soak up as much info as possible. How do you supply the plants with nutrients when they're directly in the ground? What type of soil do you use in that situation.
  3. brian330

    Problems with new plants - weak stem

    Other than the environmental changes,what steps do you take when switching from indoor to outdoor?
  4. brian330


    Update... Good news and bad news. I believe the 3 are recovering from the over watering and nutrient burn they suffered at my inexperienced hand. They started drooping and getting yellow/browning on the tips and edges of a few leaves each about 3 days ago. I switched them into 1 gallon pots and...
  5. brian330


    Here are a few my friend.
  6. brian330


    Will do! Thanks again!
  7. brian330


    Ok! Thanks for the reply...i might just be paranoid. I just saw that more were developing the spots and stated getting nervous.
  8. brian330


    I believe my situation is worse off than i originally thought. The spots that were yellow/brown are now like a burnt orange rusty color. I was looking online and saw where someone had a similar looking plant and was told that it was rust. The comment went on to explain that rusty was a fungus...
  9. brian330


    Lol...i actually just received the general hydroponics 3 pack earlier this evening as will as a soil test kit and ph up&down. I will test the soil and runoff water level & go with water only for the next couple of feedings. When i see the nutrient levels of the soil decrease I'll start them in...
  10. brian330


    Yes,the first 6 or so(the first few being the worst) have browning/yellowing tips on some leaves. I will giving them water only for the next couple of weeks. I also will move away from miracle gro and opt for a specialized feeding product. Do you have any recommendations?
  11. brian330


    I just told my buddy that you blew my night with the airflow question... Thanks,i appreciate the feedback!✌
  12. brian330


    What would you recommend that is affordable? I assumed that these were not the best out there, but am working on a tight budget and was looking into this as a recreational activity with added benefits.
  13. brian330


    Soil...they were fed once with miracle gro plant food and superthrive on tuesday. They looked overwatered yesterday morning(droopy/fat bottom leaves that were starting to brown/yellow and curl) so i switched them from the cups they were in to the 1 gallon pots you see. Prior to that they were...
  14. brian330


    I own my home and live in a decriminalized state so the smell is not an issue. I have plenty of room for them in a detached shed that is garage-sized. and have 1 Feit led 32w 3 spectrum light, 1 black magic led 45w, and 1 random Amazon led(pics below).
  15. brian330


    I hope they are female as well.. please forgive the rookie mistake
  16. brian330


    I'm growing indoors, and honestly i chose 2 mediums to see which was better for me. I foolishly listened to someone "knowledgeable" that was supposed to be guiding/helping me throughout the process, and germinated all of the seeds I had collected. By the time i needed to plant then in a medium...
  17. brian330


    This is my first attempt and I'm struggling to keep up. Some look great...others,not so much.
  18. brian330


    Just posted then in a reply,sorry about that!
  19. brian330


    Here are the boys...
  20. brian330


    Hello, I am a first-time grower that is in a little over my head. I put 15 seeds in a paper towel and got all 15 to germinate and have all 15 currently planted in either soil or coco. I have a few that are not doing too well and I think it is due to overwatering, light stress, or nutrient burn...