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  1. D

    Drying - Eliminate Odor

    where can you get those carbon filters?
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    2nd harvest, Pics!

    what type of lights did you use?
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    magic trimmer / tumble trimmer anyone using one?

    I can emagine if your crop is endless, this would be usefull. But..I agree with medicineman I think a lot of trichomes and resin would be lost by doing it this way.
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    Cannabutter without a food processor?

    Why do you have to use real butter? Why cant you use different types of healthier cannolla oil based margerines or any margerine?
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    Flowering Day 31

    I know my thrips came from the miracle grow organics choice potting mix. When i went to go dump some more soil on top of the older soil to fill to the top of the pots i saw a couple flying around in the sealed bag. I dont think they couldve come any where else. Theirs about a ft of snow on...
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    Cfl's 4 Life! (pics)

    19,200 lumens isnt a lot? Thats more then the sun puts out. Looks good to me
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    Are they about an 1/8 of an inch long black and in there later stages fly? If so they are thrips and suck the juices from the plants. There bad, either get lady bugs or spray a pyrethrum based insecticde on them. May need continuous use depending on egg count.
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    Cfl's 4 Life! (pics)

    What type of lights are you using?
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    Flushing/harvesting question

    You want to start flushing 2 weeks prior to when you are going to harvest. For example, yourself if your chopping them at 9 weeks then begin flushing at week 7.
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    What do you guys think?

    Theyre beginning to look like the bomb-diggity!
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    Flowering Day 31

    Did you ever encounter thrips or any kind of bugs using the miracle grow potting mix?
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    Should Bud Be Dry Or Still Somewhat Moist

    I think the buds you got were just really fresh. Older bud tends to crumble. It sounds like they need to dry or cure a bit longer. Just my thoughts tho
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    Just Harvested

    I bet its BIG BUD...just a guess...
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    Curing Bud

    Yea, the idea is good, I just wouldnt pay $650 for them, Id make my own. I wonder how many they have sold, who would buy those only those who have unlimited $.
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    My kush grow show

    Cut them down and make hash or some food!
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    Thrips?..?...4 weeks into flowering?

    OK soo there about 5 weeks into flowering now and I opened the cabnet to check on them today and no joke their was eazly 100 of those lil fuckers. Aparently I got everything but the eggs and thought I beat them and they were gone....but they werent the eggs hatched and multiplied by like 10. I...
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    Here is my CFL grow.

    How long along are they?
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    Dry Time?

    About a week give or take a day or two. It all depends on when you stopped watering before harvest. If you stopped watering a week or a few days before harvest is shouldnt take as long as if you watered the day before harvest. Also the size of the buds play a role too.
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    Thrips?..?...4 weeks into flowering?

    Im about 4 weeks into flowering and I have a thrip infestation. There isnt a lot in there but I kill 1-7 each time I check the plants which is about twice a day. I know a pyrethrum based insecticide will kill them but I dont want to use it cause there in flowering. I also heard Garlic would...
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    Curing finally

    I would burp those jars twice a day otherwise if you dont and leave them sealed for a month you might have mold in there. Very jealous, your purps look so good, how many plants and what lights did u use? Report on the taste of it all for waiting the proper time for curing