Cannabutter without a food processor?


Well-Known Member
Can I make canna butter without a food processor or blender? Or do I need one to make it? I don't own one but I'll buy one if I have to.


Active Member
Well i used a blender instead of a food processor and it worked fine. also my buddy just used his fatty hand grinder to make the butter and it also came out fine.


Well-Known Member
I made some amazing canna butter recently following a recipe on here (the one where u use a crock pot.) i used 1/2 oz of k2 and my plastic hand grinder. strained thru cheesecloth and came out beautiful


Well-Known Member
I've made cannabutter twice and did not use a blender or food processor either time. All you need is a crockpot and cheese cloth. I just threw the buds and leaves in the crockpot without breaking them up much, then strained it through the cheese cloth after a few hours.


Well-Known Member
No need to grind up your leaves just throw it in the crock pot and strain it with cheese cloth. make sure you use real butter not margarine..


Active Member
Why do you have to use real butter? Why cant you use different types of healthier cannolla oil based margerines or any margerine?


Well-Known Member
The THC binds with the fat during the simmering process. the better it binds the more potent the butter. real butter has the best fat content.. Boiling it for 20 minutes isn't the best way to make it. a long slow simmering time makes for the more potent butter. Thats why I say cook with a crock pot at least 18 hours on low.