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  1. G

    My new grow journal with pics...purple power, bb cheese

    And here the frosty snow caps....
  2. G

    My new grow journal with pics...purple power, bb cheese

    I finally got to taking pictures...All my clones rooted so they are in soil now. I think all together i have ten...And also here are some pics of my one flowering female...She is sticky and getting snow capped....
  3. G

    I CLONED IN 12/12 look pics....

    Okay i havent been on in a couple days so i have alot to talk Kaya08 you can get them at home depot and wal-mart...I got mine at Home Depot, they are noramlly on a big display with a bunch of seed packets right before you go outside. i also got some new soil, the jiffy seed starting...
  4. G

    My new grow journal with pics...purple power, bb cheese

    Okay so now i cut all the males except for the one that i will use to pollinate. And this is how the setup looks today....the one female is now taller than me about 6 foot...the other i trained and bent it..that is my clone mother on the left. and the one that really suprised me on the right is...
  5. G

    My new grow journal with pics...purple power, bb cheese

    Yeah, i just started cloning and now im a cloning cloning everything i Yeah out of 10 i had 2 females...;( Okay now everyone i know part but got some major developements. out of the 5 seeds i started as the second never took all the others were male...
  6. G

    I CLONED IN 12/12 look pics....

    The thing is im not trying to revert anything....;) I just want more bud...maybe im not being specific enough....? And i did notice that i left for work today and it got way hot in the closet this afternoon and the clones got nice and yellowed up...some are still green and doing nice. But the...
  7. G

    I CLONED IN 12/12 look pics....

    Not to rain on yours but i dont take tips or shit from anyone with 15 posts...Im talking about 5 and 6 weeks anyways.... I have never seen so much hate and bullshit on a site before i swear. You think your being informative and making improvements in the game and people with 15 posts cant do...
  8. G

    My new grow journal with pics...purple power, bb cheese

    Yeah i know ive been away fucking work. But just sad...;( Out of the four that i planted 3 are male and looks like my other will be female as she hasnt shown any sex yet. I cut one male the tallest of them all and plan on keeping one of the last two to pollinate my one girly....;( So...
  9. G

    How long have you been growing...??

    Well i guess it wouldnt be right if i didnt tell 23 have never grown fully indoors, always indoor then outdoor but been doin that for about well since 11 i use to go into the woods with my dad and check his plants so i can say 12 years.... 5 growing on my own...Florida here...
  10. G

    How long have you been growing...?? i didnt mean about growing. I meant anything incriminating like where you live and But anyways, cool so far..Im glad to get so many comments so quick....
  11. G

    Takin Care Of Business A Prize Winning Journal

    Very nice grow man....thats all i can
  12. G

    Newbie45 first grow EVER!! Help!

    Looks good for a week old...we need to know what lights your using etc. to help any really...??
  13. G

    How long have you been growing...??

    Thought this would be a cool thread. Just looking for how long you have been growing, how old you are, your sex and state....and any under 18's dont hang yourself on my And dont put anything incriminating on my thread.....:):joint::peace: It would be cool to eventually see how many...
  14. G

    NEED Some Help

    Hey, just a suggestion the clay pot is bad...It absorbs alot of moisture and keeps the soil kind of dry...plastic is better. And also looks like you need more soil or a repot, and you can bury the stem up atleast halfway to help hold it up...Good idea with the tape though...For three weeks it...
  15. G

    My new grow journal with pics...purple power, bb cheese

    Well im not sure how much to expect, but a half oz. from one plant wouldnt be bad...I dont know if thats overkill or to little to expect. Never weighed the shit, just happy about the grow and smoke it...;P It looks like out of the 4 i have only 1 female its to soon to tell on one of them so i...
  16. G

    My new grow journal with pics...purple power, bb cheese

    Hey sirrus, Well the small ones i let vegg. for two weeks and they got quite bushy. After two weeks in put them into flower. They will double in flower....they were about 6 inches tall before flowering all having secondary branches and being quite bushy. I have been flowering for two weeks and...
  17. G

    My new grow journal with pics...purple power, bb cheese

    Hey blunt, Yah i am going to keep them in 12/12. You see the 4 small ones i think are looking pretty male so i just started cutting my worst looking female. Going to use her as a clone mother. The small one is already got hairs, lol. Yeah i will tie i up or use a stick to prop.... Just for the...
  18. G

    I CLONED IN 12/12 look pics....

    I know im new to this site but i definately know what im doing. And love to experiment, in school i excelled in science and here i Ok so what i did was take a cutting off of my female plant that has been in flower for about a month. I took a bottom branch a really...
  19. G

    Smoking Male Leaves

    I smoke the leaves all the time as im waiting for my grow....Never had to go to the hospital....I have gotten pretty fuckin stoned, not like a good joint buzz but definately feelin it...;) I smoked one last night and i was pretty fucking high man...going to smoke another one right now...