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  1. F

    126W Penetrator LED Bloom Test

    Can only add info here. Not answer... since I do not have a comparison... 1. The Procyon basically seems to use a standard sized PC fan... running full pelt. if you've got a desktop PC nearby.... have a listen. Imagine it exposed and not being cushioned by the case. Makes a high whirring...
  2. F

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Damn man... titties and ganja go together... I mean it's not as if this is a Christian messageboard or something... Ah well.. I still like my titties... but I don't need this site for that :). Just thought it's funny the image got deleted... given the nature of this site.... and anyway who...
  3. F

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Sorry for the late reply but thought I would throw in my 2cents on germination. I've done about 5 grows over the last 10years.. not masses but my germ rate has always been 100%. I never quite understand why people go through all the hassle of paper towels... soaking in water etc when growing...
  4. F

    126W Penetrator LED Bloom Test

    Hi LEDgirl... I am following your thread with intrigue. Am just kicking off a procyon + cfl auto grow as an experiment and for some Xmas bud. I have bookmarked your penetrator though as a potential successor or a replacement light should anything happen to my current one (last one broke within...