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  1. c.h.u.d.

    Tea Party

    You man Don't highjack the thread with Ron Paul. Michelle Bachmann yes but not him. He is no threat to anyone but himself
  2. c.h.u.d.

    Tea Party

    The Tea party never existed before 2009. Their main goal is to not have a Black man as a president in 2013. Plain and simple. Instead of working with the President the work against him
  3. c.h.u.d.

    Tea Party

    Another one who does not read.
  4. c.h.u.d.

    Tea Party

    Thats exactly what I am saying
  5. c.h.u.d.

    Tea Party

    Fact #1 64% of Tea Party activists think that America’s best years are behind us. Fact #2 66% think global warming does not exist or will not have a serious impact. Fact #3 57% think George W. Bush was a good President. Fact #4 90% think Sarah Palin would also be a good President...
  6. c.h.u.d.

    Tea Party

    FACT: The Tea Party people are the new KKK — racists cloaking their hate with political protests — which sometimes slips into threats and violence. The pictures, the sound bites, the constant whining about, “freedom!” … “taking back our country!&#8221...
  7. c.h.u.d.

    Time to Harvest?

    click here
  8. c.h.u.d.

    First Grow, How does she look so far?

    Nutes every 4 days is a bit
  9. c.h.u.d.

    1st Outdoor grow

    2 months old? Sorry man but that's pathetic. More details as to what you are giving it as far as light...etc
  10. c.h.u.d.

    male or female ??

    WOW did not see/was looking for the post date ......
  11. c.h.u.d.

    male or female ??

    that be a male
  12. c.h.u.d.

    9 strand 1st grow. Dwc,100% coco,soil

    You are a dumbass because you should have at least 1 grow under your belt so you can learn from what you did so you can learn and know what to do to future grows. And that 1 grow should be small....hence you are a dumbass.
  13. c.h.u.d.

    M3 Medical Marijuana Mix ????

    With the wealth of info on this site I don't see why worthless crap like this is needed.
  14. c.h.u.d.

    nute burn??

    show the whole plant.
  15. c.h.u.d.

    9 strand 1st grow. Dwc,100% coco,soil

    WOW for a first grow you are a dumb ass with all that. You fail big time.
  16. c.h.u.d.

    PC grow rooms

    better get some lights on the bottom of that plant
  17. c.h.u.d.


    I think you should wait until next spring and start and finish outdoors
  18. c.h.u.d.

    Sexing and Streching?

    That is 1 of the most dumbest things I have read on this forum.
  19. c.h.u.d.

    How does my plant look?

    he needs to transplant it soon huh? You obviously have no Idea what you are talking about let it be for the next 2 weeks then transplant