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  1. jelven

    everyone has been saying this site is a scam, but so far no one has any proof. i haven't seen any pics from any grows from seeds that came from this site... please anyone with info about this seedbank, post. if this is legit, i would like to order a whole bunch more and i'm sure other people...
  2. jelven

    Growing Jack Herer?

    can anyone tell if his pics look like jack?? anyone who has grown it??
  3. jelven

    Growing Jack Herer?

    Yes, I live in USA and they came straight here. I ordered Thursday of last week and they arrived yesterday. I can't say if the genetics are good or not as I just started growing it.
  4. jelven

    Growing Jack Herer?

    hey, i ordered the same seeds (same site) and received them yesterday. one germinated last night and sprouted. from what you've seen, do you think they are, in fact, jack herer seeds?
  5. jelven

    i looked but i couldn't find what you were talkin about, sorry dude. so i did get one to germinate in less than 24 hours!! the seeds are really small though.. my girlfriend who doesnt know anything about growing saw the package and was like "whoa those are really small" does anyone know...
  6. jelven

    3 Weeks Flowering in MG OC - Should I add rose nutes?

    Anyone got any ideas?
  7. jelven

    3 Weeks Flowering in MG OC - Should I add rose nutes?

    theyre sleepin right now so i don't have pics, but i just want to know if rose bloom nutes will help the plant or if there is a chance of burning it with the organic choice soil.. so is rose bloom nutes good or marijuana in general?
  8. jelven

    just wanted to report that i got these seeds in 6 days including the weekend, ordered jack herer.. will see what it turns out to be.. or not be..
  9. jelven

    Are They Done??? 8 weeks with pics!!!!

    what strain? looks awesome
  10. jelven

    Another on of these: Estimate my yield!

    hope you dont mind me asking, how long did you veg? those look great!
  11. jelven

    3 Weeks Flowering in MG OC - Should I add rose nutes?

    I forgot to mention the buds look kinda small for 3 weeks I think
  12. jelven

    3 Weeks Flowering in MG OC - Should I add rose nutes?

    My plant has been flowering for 3 weeks tomorrow and it is in Miracle Grow Organic Choice soil. I have never seen any nutrient burn or anything like that on the plant, but it is lighter green than another plant that I have in Miracle Grow soil. I have these rose bloom nutrients and someone...
  13. jelven

    2nd Grow, Fruit Loops, 2x150w HPS

  14. jelven

    First Grow - newbie Setup 6 weeks into Flower

    i think it looks great dude, keep us updated.
  15. jelven

    Attitude Confirmation Question

    I posted this in another thread but I'm kind of worried about it so I wanted to make my own. I typed in a different shipping address (as given the option on the attitude "checkout" part of the site) than the billing address on the credit card, but the address did not come up on my confirmation...
  16. jelven

    The Attitude Seedbank

    I typed in a different shipping address (as given the option on the attitude "checkout" part of the site) than the billing address on the credit card, but the address did not come up on my confirmation. Has anyone done this?
  17. jelven

    reputable site that takes paypal?

    i already know the drama with paypal, however, i would like to use my funds in there to get seeds.. does anyone know of a good site that would allow me to pay with paypal over the website, without emailing them?
  18. jelven

    Cheapest Diesel Seeds on Attitude?

    Can anyone direct me to the cheapest diesel seeds? I have never tried sour diesel or any kind of "diesel" and would like to, but I don't have much money. I would like to send cash. Please let me know, thanks.
  19. jelven

    seeds on sale

    lets hear some results!!!!!!!!
  20. jelven

    so did you ever end up getting them to germinate?