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    Setting up 1000watts hps grow room

    so does the 1000watt work best for 6x6 or 10x10?
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    Setting up 1000watts hps grow room, i'm thinking of setting up a 4X8 space, how many lights do you think i need? 2.someone suggested 3 1000watts, what do you guys think? 3.should i get a digital ballast? 4.600w is most efficient, but it seems like it would cost more to buy enough 600w ballasts/ bulbs to make it...
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    How big would this/these get?

    how much longer do they need to go? Will they get bigger if i wait before adding molasses? does adding molasses even really work? is shaving leaves off that are on the budding site bad?
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    How big would this/these get?

    bump, should I let them go for only a week?
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    How big would this/these get?

    I tried training the main cola towards the ground so the side colas would catch up too
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    How big would this/these get?

    I veged for a little while but some of my vegetation died i think i started this in mid January but i'll have to check up on that.
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    How big would this/these get?

    i snipped off a lot of fan leaves that seemed kind of yellow I also snipped off fan leaves that i thought were blocking light from getting to the bud... I don't really know if i know how to prune hehe, i'm glad everyone is interested in my grow.. they are tiny though. Next time they won't be...
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    GardenSafe 3 in 1 Fungicide

    should I wash it off the buds? it doesn't say anything about ferns
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    GardenSafe 3 in 1 Fungicide

    does anyone know if gardensafe 3 in 1 fungicide is ok to apply to plants with buds? my plants have 20 days left and I used it to kill mites its a miticide fungicide and insecticide thanks it says its not for use in food handling areas but it says you can spray it on fruits nuts and...
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    How big would this/these get?

    So, the first picture shows part of one of my plants that I took a snipping from. Does it look like my plants are almost finished? I'm guessing I can let them go till april 20th? this is my first grow i snipped this little "popcorn" bud off cause it looked like it wouldn't be much bigger by...
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    Plants In Flowering: Whats The Cause?

    also, do bulbs get weaker over time? or do they just die out in an instant? I have the bulb that came with my 150w hps, should I change it with a new one?
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    Plants In Flowering: Whats The Cause?

    I am using the blue miracle grow fert you mix with water happy frog soil 12/12 (a little light leaks in for a few hours, lights turn off at 6, it gets dark at 8) fan on my soil mix is like 70% happy frog and the rest perlite perhaps its nute burn? perhaps its nute defficiency? A better...
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    Plants In Flowering: Whats The Cause?

    bump, I'm really confused here as to what the problem is with me plants different things can cause the same symptoms, so how can a newbie like me differentiate between two problems with the same symptoms?
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    Plants In Flowering: Whats The Cause?

    So here are 2 of my plants in flowering, I picked some buds off of the third plant and it pretty much looks like a stick now ( they weren't really potent yet) so my question is what is the cause of my plants sickly appearance? I hear they are supposed to be praying towards the light, these...
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    is this male????

    how do I use the plant now that it is chopped? I want to get some minor effects, do I have to dry it first or cure it or what? should I smoke the nut sacks? is that where most of the thc is?
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    is this male????

    is there an easy way to make hash? i dont have any money to buy stuff to make hash, i know that it is easy... Are there any methods around where you can use common items to make hash? How much hash would I get from this plant? it isn't very big at all really.
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    is this male????

    people yesterday said that this plant looked like a male and that i should chop it. I hope it is a male... both males and females have these little nuts on them? does the female plant develop the nut and then develop hairs from the nut? is it true that if this is a male that it is at the...
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    Male or Female? Help!!

    bump. can someone help me here please they all don't have those nuts thingy's at the nodes it seems... I took pictures of the nodes and i tried to pull the fan leaves back
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    Male or Female? Help!!

    the first group here is plant three the second group is plant 4, plant 4 seems to be the one with male characteristics.... are all my other plants male or what?
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    Male or Female? Help!!

    the first two pics are plant 1 the second group of pics are plant 2