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  1. Vanayakananda

    How do you decide harvest day, by the color of the trichomes, or the pistils?

    Seriously, it looks seeded? I got the males out of there pretty quickly! Can you tell me why you believe that, or are their other opinions?
  2. Vanayakananda

    How do you decide harvest day, by the color of the trichomes, or the pistils?

    Hi gang, My first grow is getting close to harvest time. I see different growers use different indications to decide on when to harvest: Some go by the pistils, others pay close attention to the trichomes. I have 10X and 20X loupes and a 30X microscope and I see the trichomes clearly. I...
  3. Vanayakananda

    Too much Nitrogen, or too little? Or is Sulfur the problem?

    Thanks guys, I'm giving Backdoor's advice a try. It's been 4 or 5 days and I THINK the leaves look less yellow. But I still suspect a sulphur problem, as another symptom that the plant clearly has is a purple stem near the top. I'm not too worried, since I'll be harvesting in about 2 weeks...
  4. Vanayakananda

    Too much Nitrogen, or too little? Or is Sulfur the problem?

    I have 3 plants growing indoors under a 400W HIS lamp. After a month under MH lamps for18 hours/day, I made the switch to 12/12 days under the HIS lamps 30 days ago. There are nice buds growing on all three, with trichromes galore. I expect harvest will begin soon. Just one concern: One of...
  5. Vanayakananda

    is my plant male or female??

    First, the photo is too small to see any evidence of sex. When you send pictures in that you want feedback on, get as close as the camera focus will allow. Jorge Cervantes, who has written about two dozen books on the subject, says you should wait until you have early evidence of sex before...
  6. Vanayakananda

    Coming down the Home stretch!!

    Mi amigos, Again, the wisdom on this site about growing high-quality smoke has saved my sorry ass. Thank you to all who gave advice and brought a little comfort to me during the difficult time when we discovered one of our daughters is not, in fact, a daughter at all. I thought she was just...
  7. Vanayakananda

    Are male plants really worse than NOTHING?

    Thanks, my brothers! I'm not quite ready to make oil, etc. so I just dried the males normally. It's provided an okay, if weak stash to carry until harvest. Certainly better than having nothing!! I'll look forward to the day when I have enough of my properly cured Shiva Shanti female buds...
  8. Vanayakananda

    Congratulations, Mr. Grower, your new baby is . . . a Hermaphrodite!! EEEk!!

    Again, I seek out the expertise of my betters. My very small grow room, a 2'x6' closet, after selecting the best growers and then weeding out the males, contains 4 plants. Three look gorgeous; after switching to 12 hours of light 3 weeks ago, the buds are coming out beautifully. But plant...
  9. Vanayakananda

    Are male plants really worse than NOTHING?

    Hi gang, this is my first post, and my first grow since 1968. I started with 10 Shiva Shanti seeds and 20 free, mystery seeds from Amsterdam. Germination went well, ended with 7 Shiva Shanti (SS) seedlings and 5 Free Seeds (FS) seedlings (in Jiffy Pots). After app. 2 weeks I transplanted 5 SS...