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  1. hendry

    Hair Color

    Hey guys i'm about 40 days into flower with some bagseed and was just curious if it was normal for the hairs to change a 3rd color. They had been changing to orange which i know is normal, but today i noticed a lot of the hairs near the top are changing to a pinkish red color. I just want to...
  2. hendry

    the myth exposed

    thats great to hear i'm using mg for my 1 and only female plant right now
  3. hendry

    My First attempt, 5 weeks in.

    Honestly your plants dont look bad I have had plants that looked way worse than that and turned around greatly and produced. Just make sure you get them growing how you want them before you switch to 12/12 and it should work out. Good Luck.
  4. hendry

    91 Day Old First Grow

    the setup and plants look amazing
  5. hendry

    easy method

    if anybody just had some pics i would love to see them
  6. hendry

    should i start to flower these?

    they look really streched out
  7. hendry

    easy method

    I appreiciate the reply i was hoping for some pics with directions. I glanced through the faq lot of talking. I guess i was hoping that someone out there had some kind of easy tutorial i see them on threads sometimes for other stuff.
  8. hendry

    best way to cfl

    Look up your lumens on the website of your bulb company. I looked up mine before my small side lights had just slighty more lumen per watt than the larger bulbs, but it would be way to hard to get fixtures to match.
  9. hendry

    easy method

    Does anyone have suggestions or possibly a link on an easy to do and cheap scrog method?
  10. hendry

    Will it burn da fuck down???

    drip system but dont water them those drip systems can cause root rot
  11. hendry

    Supplement with sunlight?

    thanks for the advice i really dont know where to easily get a light meter, but would you say with all those varibles i have it would be best to just put it in the sun everyday then.
  12. hendry

    Supplement with sunlight?

    Bongulater what about the light i have compared to the sun
  13. hendry

    Supplement with sunlight?

    im sorry also my space is 2x2x4 and plant is currently 21 inches 2.5 weeks into flower
  14. hendry

    Supplement with sunlight?

    What do you think about a 50 watt HPS along with 3-42watt and 1-14 watt warm light cfl's over the top and 5-14watt warm light cfl's around the sides with mylar. The top lights are within 2-3 inches of the plant. The HPS had one of those clear covers on it which absorbs most of the heat
  15. hendry

    Big Bud-first grow

    make sure the fan is an oscilating one
  16. hendry

    Big Bud-first grow

    just have the fan in the room with them if its too strong could make plants topple over and die
  17. hendry

    !!HELP Just started second week of 12/12 HELP!! PLEASE.

    I would suggest leaving that beautiful plant the way it is
  18. hendry

    Big Bud-first grow

    nutes 21-28 days old
  19. hendry

    Supplement with sunlight?

    i would love to know the answer to your question because i do the exact process your talking about i think it does work my plant seems plenty healthy
  20. hendry

    Big Bud-first grow

    in the past i use to build little teepee like structures out of toothpicks until it strenghen up and then when i would repot i would bury pretty much up to bottom node