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  1. Tdblu09

    Anyone Smoke SNOW WHITE from Nirvana Yet??

    Hey all, Just curious I just started my 2nd grow of Snow White, wanted to know if anyone's tried it yet. If so, how'd u like it????? bongsmilie
  2. Tdblu09

    First Grow..3 weeks Into flower...

    Bff?? Never heard that Oh my..ok = best friend forever....HAHAHAHA it was a joke!! and that novel is very interesting, and makes sense. Of course 2 diff highs would be great, but i'll be honest im happy with any good high. however...this grow since i have 2 plants im def experimenting on...
  3. Tdblu09

    First Grow..3 weeks Into flower...

    tyty ;) i wanna dry it the right way. Plus i just finished my bag last night, and taking a few days off. Feel like im just not getting high anymore...sooooo a break is necessary!! and yes 8 weeks is so close.. do u think the buds will fatten up or jus produce more resin? i've heard the...
  4. Tdblu09

    First Grow..3 weeks Into flower...

    LOL...didnt smoke it yet, but i had pulled a lower tiny nug off on monday and thru it in the it didnt taste as bad as i was expecting...but i cant wait for the one to dry. Its still damp..but trust me..once i smoke it i'll let ya know ;):joint:
  5. Tdblu09

    Snow White - CFL - 2nd Grow

    Ok...both seedlings are officially sprouted as of 10/7, and looking ohhh so cute.. ;) Also...that clone is looking ALOT worse..but from what u said prior..this is normal?? Hopefully its using that energy to build the roots? ::fingers crossed::
  6. Tdblu09

    First Grow..3 weeks Into flower...

    Yeh thats pretty normal... actually a little low..people around here try to sell em for $5 a pill...i dont buy em from people tho...i trade my friend who has a script ...give her some bud she gives me well for us :)
  7. Tdblu09

    First Grow..3 weeks Into flower...

    All good...i actually tried the teas..and all the things the dr's say to help urself just wound too tight i guess.. but thanks for the suggestions.. what strains do u smoke before bed that helps ya knock out? thats always good to know when planning my next grow ;)
  8. Tdblu09

    Snow White - CFL - 2nd Grow

    a tiz..but not so much...i just get ancy towards the end...hahahaha
  9. Tdblu09

    First Grow..3 weeks Into flower...

    depends on what saround....xanax....ambien..excedrin pm...nyquil...etc i have one of those heads that doesnt shut off w/o assistance...
  10. Tdblu09

    First Grow..3 weeks Into flower...

    i dont live in NYC but pretty damn close... weather has been really nice...but we're starting to get cold now... our past 2 winters have been somewhat mild so hopefully it'll stay that way
  11. Tdblu09

    First Grow..3 weeks Into flower...

    Oh yeh im online all day at work... bored.. and i like the trippy head highs... more of the body buzz when im trying to sleep...but i usually hafta take pills too anyway.. But generally speaking im a fan of the head highs...but never hurts to have a mix of both... which if my clone works out i...
  12. Tdblu09

    First Grow..3 weeks Into flower...

    Fuck it..paying bills is part of i wish i had gas heat...yes, but i love where i live..and hopefully it will be a mild if not out come the credit cards..hahaha
  13. Tdblu09

    First Grow..3 weeks Into flower...

    Makes sense cuz ur in Cali...but yeh between gas & oil heat (which i cant make I had to decide where to stop spending....and hence Ive found my answer...:) friends had a stop on their honeymoon to SF...they fucn LOVED it...found stoners at some java cafe place...had weed...
  14. Tdblu09

    First Grow..3 weeks Into flower...

    Ty Hackel!!!!! :) :mrgreen: i'm drying that bud the right way...and staying hands off til its 8 weeks... hehehe and ive actually been checking Nirvana...the only way id be able to grow a long flowering strain is if i have a short one in there too..otherwise id be wayyyyyy too impatient...
  15. Tdblu09

    First Grow..3 weeks Into flower...

    Oil heat?? Or that price? I live in NY, we get f*cked up the @ss ROYALLY!!! and freeze our asses off trying to save money on the damn heat..NO FUN. Also why i got into growing for myself....tired of droppin $220 every 2 weeks for an ounce of weak ass dro...the good shit costs me $300-$350...
  16. Tdblu09

    Snow White - CFL - 2nd Grow

    So far so good w the soil..i dont like messing with the ppm's & nutes & stuff w the hydro... i find soil to be easier...for me at took a cpl more pics when i went home for lunch...the 2nd seedling was having a lil trouble shedding its i helped it out a tiz
  17. Tdblu09

    First Grow..3 weeks Into flower... no telescope Andmean oil..the house i rent is oil heat... just dropped $795 on 200 gallons!! HATE IT!!!:cuss:
  18. Tdblu09

    Snow White - CFL - 2nd Grow

    Alright thanks. I initially tried hydro...OMG i was a complete For me its SOIL!!!! nice & easy
  19. Tdblu09

    First Grow..3 weeks Into flower...

    I have it hanging in a dark ikea wardrobe closet (maybe u even designed it??? ;).... yes??? gets plenty of circulation...and the temp is like 65* few degrees up during the day
  20. Tdblu09

    First Grow..3 weeks Into flower...

    Dont be sorry at all...i really do appreciate ur input, and i'll def be waiting the 8 weeks... Can i just pick up a magnifying glass??? Or its not strong enough??? Just had to pay for oil.....BOOOOO TO THAT SHIT!!!!! so, its gotta be cheap...or nothing at all!! for right now anyway..