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  1. kaigas66

    600w scrog

    Yes, it has now finally started growing after changing to 12/12 :D was really worried the whole time before. Maybe it will also change the color :D
  2. kaigas66

    600w scrog

    Hello, plants are now 1 month old. i flipped them to 12/12 few days ago.In the beginning it was supposed to be a scrog, but i couldn't find a normal screen and i was too lazy to make it myself. So now i am just trying to LST them as much as possible. All the plants are looking healthy and...
  3. kaigas66

    600w scrog

    Oops, i also uploaded a picture earlier, but obviously there has been an error. So, here it is...
  4. kaigas66

    600w scrog

    ~3 week old. 2 on the right are sensiseed's PPP and 2 on the left are the ultimates from DP gonna place them under the screen soon. 1 of the ultimates grows very well and has already nice big sativa leaves and i can also say the same for power plants. But other ultimate plant has been very slow...
  5. kaigas66

    600w scrog

    Thanks, maan!
  6. kaigas66

    600w scrog

    2x Pure power plants (Sensi seeds) on the right and 2x Dutch passion The ultimates on the left. 1 week old. 1 Ultimate plant doesnt grow at all.
  7. kaigas66

    600w scrog

    DP power plants and white widow. 29 days from planting the seeds :) ( white widow 21 days)
  8. kaigas66

    What now??

    Alright. I lifted the light a little bit. I will see tomorrow if it has spread or stopped and i might have given little bit of too much of nutes last watering. So i will give them pure water for few times
  9. kaigas66

    What now??

    Okay. But one of the plants is 1 week younger than others and in a smaller pot so its canopy is like 25cm lower from other plants canopys and it also has few brown spots (2nd picture).
  10. kaigas66

    What now??

    Hmm...i havent measured temp from canopy. But the room temp is 24-28
  11. kaigas66

    What now??

    All the plants were healthy and nice but now suddenly over night curled up leaves on one plant and all the plants have leaf tips brown
  12. kaigas66

    600w scrog

    Yes it was a scrog
  13. kaigas66

    600w scrog

    Small update on 3x power plant from dutch passion and 1 white widow from sensi. Can anybody identify the problem why one of the plants has some leaves curled up?
  14. kaigas66

    600w scrog

    Here are the christmas born plants (2 on the left are the ultimates from DP and 2 from the left are PPP from Sensi Seeds)
  15. kaigas66

    600w scrog

    That is the main reason i chose this strain too. But i will record some of the process here so you can follow :) and yes, biobizz is good. I yielded 200g from 2x white widow from sensi seeds, although i cut them down 10-15 days too early... and it was my first grow
  16. kaigas66

    600w scrog

    1x Sensi seeds white widow 3x Dutch passion power plant 600w hps 1.2mx1.2mx2m growtent Biobizz soil AN and biobizz nutes are what i am going to use. There are also 4 other seeds waiting for sprouting which are 2x Dutch passion The ultimate and 2x white label pure power plant and they will be put...
  17. kaigas66

    Could anybody identify the problem please

    Anyway thanks for quick responses. I see that nobody wanna see plants die :) and it might be overwatering because my brother said he has been spraying water on them a lot...if anybody is interested then i will soon post some pictures how these power plants have been developing.
  18. kaigas66

    Could anybody identify the problem please

    No other soils available here but biobizz, guanokalong and if i remember correctly then even canna terra, but not sure
  19. kaigas66

    Could anybody identify the problem please

    Alright...i hope im not gonna fuck these up. Most expensive seeds i have ever had
  20. kaigas66

    Could anybody identify the problem please

    What kind of a soil would be fine then? I have thought that this lite mix is the lightest. Maybe should put them into coco for week or two?