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  1. N

    How long should I Vegg for?

    alright, I got mine and it stood 6 inches after I planted it, now it has EASILY doubled in size, should I endue flowering soon? Keep in mined that I have been VEGGING for 3 weeks and I got it as a clone....
  2. N

    Its a female!! Now questioins.. lol

    did you get it as a clone? How tall was it after a month?
  3. N

    How long should I Vegg for?

    I have about 5 feet in height and 4 feet wide by 4 feet deep. They are going in Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil w/ the Fox Farm Fertilizer. They are "Bubble Gum" Clones and about 1 foot tall from the top of the soil to the top of the plant...
  4. N

    How long should I Vegg for?

    I have had 2 clones on 18/6 lighting since October 22nd, the plant has double in height and has MUCH more fans on it, how much longer should I veg it? I want the plant to be about 3 or 4 feet once it's done flowering...
  5. N

    2nd CFL Closest Grow

    Pictures tonight!
  6. N

    Automatic Water Dropper?

    HI ALL! I am working on a 2nd CFL GROW. I currently have 3 clones, 1 is in it's 5th week of vegging and the other 2 are in their 2nd week of vegging. I also have 2 bag seeds that popped out of the soil 2 days ago. My question is: Is there an Automatic Water Dropper I can buy? I will be...
  7. N

    2nd CFL Closest Grow

    The clones are looking MUCH healther in their Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil compared to when I had the first clone in Miracle Grow...Pic to come in the next few days!
  8. N

    Feminized Pure Power Plant with CFL's

    Lookin good doc! Have you seen I am working on my second grow?
  9. N

    Is my plant a male?!

    male for sure
  10. N

    24/0 Lighting

    I want my plant to be about 3 1/2 feet in the end.
  11. N

    24/0 Lighting

    Hello ALL! This is my 2nd grow, I got some clones from a club and they told me the plant was under a 24/0 lighting cylce...Should I switch it to 18/6 since I want to VEG it? JW because I have never heard of 24/0...Let me know what to do. Thanks!
  12. N

    2nd CFL Closest Grow

    So I got my 2 Bubble Gum clones today, got some fox farm soil for them instead of the miricle grow that I used last time. I hope all goes well...I am going to VEG them instead of going straight to flowering too. I will get some pics in the next few days....The 2nd grow has officially started!!
  13. N

    2nd CFL Closest Grow

    This is my second grow...To see anything regarding my first grow and it's setup, go here: I will be using the SAME setup, the only changes I will be making is VEGGING my clones for a month or so and learning from my...
  14. N

    CFL Growers in California? What about L.A.?

    NICE! I'm from Union City!
  15. N

    My First Grow with cfl's

    why didnt you start with the hps?
  16. N

    Ready in 4 Days?

    And put it in the Mason jar tomorrow? After the 5th day?
  17. N

    Ready in 4 Days?

    I have been letting my plants hang for 4 days and the steams already are dry where they snap, no bending. I do live in SoCal where the humidity is about 10%-40% naturally. Although I have been raising it myself so they don't dry to fast. Could they be ready for a Mason Jar already, by the 4th...
  18. N

    Dead fan leaves....?

    I would let up on the watering and nutes for a few days...Bring the light closer to the plants also. BTW...I HAVE THAT SAME FAN!
  19. N

    My first Grow in a Closet Using CFL's

    The plant was CHOPPED! I am 3 weeks into my second grow. Sadly my digital camera doesn't work! But I put all the bud on a scale before I started drying it and it was 40g's so we'll see what it turns out to be after it drys...I am going to continue with the grow journal as it is the same...
  20. N

    Harvesting time duration...

    I live in L.A. where our humidity is around 11-15%, I have my plants hanging in a closest that is dark and about 72%. Are these conditions fine? Also, since it is so dry here, would it not need to be hung for a full 7 days? How will I know when it is ready to go in a glass jar?