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  1. andrewcovetsall

    See What Some People are Getting Done (Farming 101)

    wtf? shut up and look at what? nice midget plant tho. :)
  2. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    def not a noob..... on another point, MY DREAM GROW ROOM!
  3. andrewcovetsall

    Reserva Privada Kandy Kush Feminized

    Really what other stories on OG kush? how long you veg for?
  4. andrewcovetsall

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    my advice is to try it and see. i think cutting your roots is a bad idea but if you have to, do a small section to see if your plant responds.
  5. andrewcovetsall

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    finally, bring some life back to this joint. 83 days since wet seed. skunk Nirvana
  6. andrewcovetsall

    Reserva Privada Kandy Kush Feminized

    pictures of kandy kush. its 71 days old right now. from the time i wet the seed. 12/12 only. i bent her down to keep her profile lower but it kinda bunched the branches together. which is fine in my opinion.
  7. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    weird.. all the golfers i know are stoners. :) wait... everybody i know is a stoner... could be something there.... nope i lost it.
  8. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    plus rep for identifying the skunk pheno. this seed is from the seedsman skunk 10 pack. 12/12 perpetual grow. nothing but a 12/12 is used. flouros and eye 600 mix. 83 days old from the time seed got wet. i took 2 clones (im no clone expert) to make feminized seeds. i got pics of that too. in my...
  9. andrewcovetsall

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    blocking the sprayers? idk. aeroponics, dripping water, dwc, idk if i have seen a difference. ive been doing hydro now for 3 years and they all seem so totally independent on the health and condition of your reservoir. but ya, sorry, im lit, if they block the flow, they gotta go. because the...
  10. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    LMAO... does anybody else see the bug? i looked at the blurry photo and original like 5 times before i realized whatr was going on. :) ye aa ah-
  11. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    Anyone have some Skunk #1, Hawaiin Skunk, or Skunk Haze pictures? i got a mix pack going and i wanna try to identify the different skunks. Seedsman skunks
  12. andrewcovetsall

    Reserva Privada Kandy Kush Feminized

    Strain: Kandy Kush (reserva privada) Light: 600w hortilux superhps in a sunmaster 2 hood on a digital cap ballast Medium: Rockwool/NFT Nutrients: GH 3 part base W/ AN Sensizym, AN B-52, Roots Organic Temps: 70-75 during day Humidity: Right now its... 42% and it stays under 55 above 40 I should...
  13. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    ok im officially sold on the airpots. cant believe im saying this but i might tr, eh, cough, try them. (hydroguy)
  14. andrewcovetsall

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    it dont matter what you use. you could pop a hole in a jiffy pellet, rockwool, styrofoam, it dont matter. i usually just drop the seed in whatever (F the paper towels) and wait and see. i have a 3 inch netpot nft system going right now and believe me. the plants dont care about what they get...
  15. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    So many to choose from. i have a eye horti right now but its ollllld. way old. so any suggestions for me cuz im going insane with this light bulb crap. i need it for my flower room. i have a 600w digital cap ballast and an aircooled hood (if it matters). PLease? ill show you some naked pics of...
  16. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    its in abc order
  17. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    LMAO at the starcraft spidermites
  18. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    my kandy kush freebie has 5 inch internodes.... and is not very keen on branching outwards.
  19. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    halfway thru my bagseed harvest, halfway thru a 12pack of quart jars. :) and out of paperss its looking like .5gpw what can i say its ky's finest edit: my avatar harvested