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  1. V

    Euforia 6 DIY aero 6 soil 600w HPS

    a little more about my space i have a 4x7x7 room for blooming taken out of a 10x10x7 total growing area i have a carbon filter and fan cooled 600w HPS light with an enhanced spectrum bulb i have my fan mounted to the ceiling using some cut pieces of rubber hose as shock absorbers i have a light...
  2. V

    Euforia 6 DIY aero 6 soil 600w HPS

    i actually started these about 3 weeks ago cloned from a female euforia plant who is now a small shrub i started getting rust brown spots on a few of the leaves and determined it to be a Mg def. so am treating with CalMag i was running a watering schedule of every 4 hours but after some research...