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  1. Jenisonc


    All you have to do to top is use a CLEAN, alcohol sterile razor or sharp pair of scissors and cut the top off right at the node (area where the last two branches jetted from the stalk) in case ppl didn't know what a node is. The FIM says to leave about a quarter inch to a half inch but once...
  2. Jenisonc


    Have you checked out the FIM? I don't know if its true but even if it doesn't work you've still topped it. Instead of cutting right at the noted, Cut about a quarter inch above it. The new stalk can produce up to 8 new tops from a single cut. Its an interesting technique but I'm not sure how...
  3. Jenisonc

    Its a girl, its a girl!!!

    OUR FIRST PLANT, ON OUR FIRST GROW, ON AT LEAST ONE NODE... IS A GIRL!!! I don't know if its a hermi yet cause the other nodes are just starting to bud but this node is :D. The plant is super stressed and grew pretty crazy like but oh well. It was my first grow.
  4. Jenisonc

    Photoperiod for Larger Yields

    I honestly think that bringing the light to 10/14 would be the best. Any longer and the plant wants to go back in to veg. which doesnt help you. If you drop that time the plant should, in theory, think its later in the season and work harder to produce. IMO only.
  5. Jenisonc

    single cola plants?

    Alright man. Looking really good.
  6. Jenisonc

    First Time Hydro Water Culture Grow

    I know this was a while ago but the way that seems to make the most sense when sexing is to take a clone of your plant when its larger and sex the small clone. THEN you'll know and your plant will have just continued and now that you have topped it, it will grow more nodes.
  7. Jenisonc

    fuckit - tell me what strain YOU GUYS wanna see get grown!!!

    Wow, I've smoked so many different strains but I have to give my love to Dragons Breath. Wow... If I could grow that shit... Heaven rolled in ectacy sprinkled with THC.
  8. Jenisonc

    ally foil

    No. It can causes hot spots and can start fires. Use mylar, you can get it from target, a 5'x8' sheets from target for $3. They are 95% reflective. Good luck with your grow.
  9. Jenisonc

    Male or Female?

    Need better pic's man. Just wait a few days and see then. It'll be much easier to tell because, obviously, the preflowers will be much bigger. Then if you still cant tell. Send us a pic. Good luck with your grow!
  10. Jenisonc

    Diesel Ryder Almost ready! *pics*

    Kudos's from California my friend! With any auto strains I pull seeds off the first buddings female just to have more. I love em' and yours is a beaut!
  11. Jenisonc

    marijuana facts

    sorry its use to make hemp rope and oil. Super toasted right now. ::joint::
  12. Jenisonc

    marijuana facts

    They said you would fall under the influence of listening to jazz, and it make black men look at white women. Dupont came out with plastic when hemp was really being discovered but they spent so much money they lobbied for it to be illegal. Even during WWII the U.S. was growing it in most...
  13. Jenisonc

    new guy with questions

    Sorry unless you want to just grow out side but It's really late in the season for out door growing. For that you want to start as early as April and as late as June. The light schedule and amounts and spectrum are wrong.
  14. Jenisonc

    new guy with questions

    It will survive on tap water but really read up on the growing subject. You don't know what your getting in too. hahaha the guys here are great and they've got it to a science, but here is what I've gathered so far... Bottled water is fine but distiled water is best, always test the ph of your...
  15. Jenisonc

    Do cats eat cannibas?

    I had my plant out the other day and my cat took a bite right in front of me. I'd be careful. My other cat ate an entire leaf of my girlfriends money tree so I don't they mind the taste of foliage and photosynthesis. Good luck with your cat and your grow.
  16. Jenisonc

    MY GRow journal

    If you let your original plant grow and take One clone from it, just sex the one little clone. Let your other plant grow bigger since she is the most potent form. The more clones you take, the less potent your smoke is. Imo. Good luck man.
  17. Jenisonc

    Crispy, cracking leaves! Help asap!

    DON'T cut them. Just let them be. Only when they are virtually falling off themselves do you remove them. Even if dead and wilting they bring food to the plant so every inch of fan leaf helps... Well that just my opinion anyways. Good luck my friend.
  18. Jenisonc

    this is how we roll

    Why would you rob someone of there babies? Thats just wrong....:???:
  19. Jenisonc

    Very small grow box plan

    You could do it but I would add more light. If your only growing one plant then the closet is big enough but I wouldn't think more than one plant could fit in that small space unless its a Lowryder strain. You can make a descent box out of dark rubbermaid containers and just stack one upside...
  20. Jenisonc

    My plant just keep getting worse. Pics.

    Awesome. I'm going to use less than a pinch a gallon and when she bounces back, Ill let you know.