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  1. metagrower

    Companion planting?

    BUMP! Are you serious? No one in the Advanced Forum has any input on this? Wow. I'm definitely doing my next grow with some companions then... I am starting to get a touch unimpressed here. :P Anyone have even some thoughts/speculation?
  2. metagrower

    Do you prefer to smoke with a friend or ?

    I used to prefer to smoke with friends, but lately it seems like I have matured and my friends haven't. And so I prefer to smoke alone now. I can think and have a cool line of thought without inane banter and the need to watch cartoons intended for six year olds. I do prefer to smoke with...
  3. metagrower

    Do you prefer to smoke with a friend or ?

    OK, So I've got a sort-of related question... Is it proper etiquette to decline the 'bowl lighter', use your own, and then pass the bowl without a lighter? Seems to me that if you insist on using your own lighter you should not refuse a lighter if passed with the bowl. Just a thought...
  4. metagrower

    The 5th Annual Highway 420 Anti-Prohibition Rally

    I'll bump this thread. I wish I could be there...
  5. metagrower

    how much longer can this go on

    mmm. look at that sexy tail. ;)
  6. metagrower

    Seed Predisposition

    I understand that. It was a founding assumption in my logic.
  7. metagrower

    You aint real nukka

    ;) It's all good. Thanks!
  8. metagrower

    You aint real nukka

  9. metagrower

    Seed Predisposition

    Quoted for ironic emphasis.
  10. metagrower

    Seed Predisposition

    I may be a little late on this, but you have to consider that if sex were undetermined physiologically prior to flowering, then clones taken during veg would possibly be a different sex than their mother. However, this is not the case. Thus, it must be determined in the seed. Is my logic...
  11. metagrower

    how much longer can this go on

    dammit. beaten to the punch. hahaha
  12. metagrower

    how much longer can this go on

    Dolphins and some species of chimps. ;)
  13. metagrower

    You aint real nukka

    Hahaha you were close to it over in Rep Love. ;)
  14. metagrower

    email468 - Big Bud and PPP grow

    def watching this one!
  15. metagrower

    Banana Theory ?????

    Please do keep us updated! I, as I am certain many others, am quite interested. :)
  16. metagrower

    Banana Theory ?????

    Interesting read, but how does this transfer to cannabis growing?
  17. metagrower

    post effects of smoking?

    Wow. just wow. wow. ... ... wow. :blink::blink: bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahhaahhaahahahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
  18. metagrower

    Does the Claw straighten out??

    I think it was a heat issue in this case. I suppose it could have been overfeeding, though I tried to conservatively follow the instructions on the container. I have a purely aeroponic setup (net pots only -- no medium) and so problems usually become apparent pretty quickly. I think it...
  19. metagrower

    Fish Geeks--UNITE!

    He comes up to the surface when he gets hungry. He is not entirely blind, but I don't think he can distinguish more than than extreme changes in luminosity. So when I turn his light on he knows it's time to feed. Additionally, I have helped him develop his sense of smell and he can smell when...