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  1. B

    Lighting for veg. and flowering stage

    Would it not be a good idea if i use floresent lights for both stages of the plants life? Like T5's and clf's...or is it a must to use differnt kinds of lights for each me out! :peace:
  2. B

    Lighting and watering

    im not really familular with the T5's not sure what they are...or were to get them?? any thoughts?
  3. B

    Lighting and watering

    i just got a floresent light out of my garage its about 2 feet long and i only have two plants right now would that work for them or should i get something else?
  4. B

    Lighting and watering

    Well that growfac helped a ton.....a couple more things you think it would be good for a black light to be on during the night cycle or would that not be good? and also the grow fac didnt really say anything about watering...ive seen some other threads and people are watering like...
  5. B

    Lighting and watering

    i just got halogen lights 500 watts a piece would that be enough?
  6. B

    Lighting and watering

    i just started my first grow about a week ago with a regular light bulb...i just need to know what kind of light bulb i need to get and where could i get it? i also need to know wether or not to wet the leaves of the plant when watering?
  7. B

    Things to Know About Lighting

    ive heard you can bend the stem of your plant so that it will only grow as tall as you want it. Is this true? and will both male and female produce smokeable buds? also i need to know if it is good to wet the whole plant down when watering?
  8. B

    Help pease

    18/6 mean 18 hours of light and 6 hours of no light same goes for 12/12 ---how do i post questions like that? i kinda want to know if regular light bulbs work? like 100w light bulbs?