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  1. dralion

    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    No,not spraying in the evening, but the bay area night air is a problem...I'm not so far from the water in San Leandro. The amount of moisture in the cool night air after these extremely hot days was so great that I went out one morning and was extremely surprised at how wet my plants were...
  2. dralion

    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    Hmmm, well let me know when you check the pictures.... didnt the link work. Or maybe your busy....who would have thought. Thanks for the input, hope to hear more once you look at the pics.
  3. dralion

    My Outdoor Garden-2010 VG, Hey I was out in the garden inspecting things and I came across a problem. Initially I saw some crispy black leave on some of my bud colas. After closer look I saw that there was some type of rot going on. I cut off...
  4. dralion

    A Great First Time Grow

    More pictures
  5. dralion

    A Great First Time Grow

    I trucked in 3 yard of mushroom compost which was tilled in 24" deep through the whole yard. Then I used Fox Farm Ocean in each hole. It was an incredible amount of work, especially because the whole yard was nothing but 6' tall weeds. Seems to be paying off though. This is my first grow...
  6. dralion

    A Great First Time Grow

    Hello all.... I just wanted to post up pics of the success Ive had so far this year. With a little trial and error and lurking in the forums I was able to do pretty well this year, regardless of the wacked weather. I want to thank all you veterans I for the years of experience you've shared with...
  7. dralion

    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    VG, in post # 671 you talk about things slow to bloom this year. I was wondering, with this late bloom possible bring us into a later harvest month, where we are going to have to worry about rain and protecting our plants from rain. What do you do about rain with your plants that arent inside a...
  8. dralion

    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    Hey there VG, I see on post #695 you have a pic of the stock of one of your plants...I notice the dry crumbly leaves near the inside and bottom of plant. As my beauties continue in flowering stage I to am getting a lot of these type of crispy leaves. Normal is it?
  9. dralion

    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    VG, I too had the same surprise a few days ago. I also thought everything was looking female in the garden back in the spring... only to find to males beginning to show their pollen sacks. I was glad to get then out before serious damage was caused. Good for you for finding that before it was...
  10. dralion

    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    Are you kidding me?! Are your plants suspending that weighted bucket?! Mine couldn't do that. The other day I was at the grow store talking to the "experts" about how some of my plants branches seem a bit to "hollow" like a straw (see pics) and they suggested silicone additive to boost cell...
  11. dralion


    VG.... Im lurking and listenning
  12. dralion

    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    VG, I see in your pictures an write up that you add tons of mulch, you yourself said as much as a foot sometimes. It appears in your pictures that you are adding you lawn clippings as mulch (grass). Im I correct? I know grass has a ton of nitrogen, but doesn't that much grass sitting around...
  13. dralion

    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    Whats the yellow rope for in post # 107 sorry for getting all crazy with the time i'll get them all together before I ask
  14. dralion

    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    Also Im unclear...... are you training your plants now, when they are still small.... before we started talking, about a month ago i started bending some branches...I took the top limb and slightly bent it.... and the growth that took place by the other limbs was crazy.... so much so that a few...
  15. dralion

    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    So, youve seen my pics.... are you suggesting that MY plants will be 9+ feet. So you think should place the remesh in place now?? and at a height of between 6-7 feet?? And as the branches grow train them in on of the squares of the remesh...6x6 squares right? Just a khola per square?? Whats...
  16. dralion

    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    VG.... Looking forward to your remesh pics. As you know I dont have a green house and a few of my bushy girls are beginning to reach 4 feet. Am I understanding this process correctly... I can now set some Tbars in the ground around my grow and fit this remesh to each post, above my plants? I...
  17. dralion

    First Gorrilla Grow Journal 97 seeds

    hey, how you guys get your little icons to show up. You know, your little pictures that represent you to the left of your posts.
  18. dralion

    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    Ha...... my moms a librarian as well. Whats your latest read? I just finished Zorba the Greek.... excellent book!! Way more going on in that book then a casual reader might think. Age old debates on mans intellectual mind conflicting with his primordial spirit. I really loved the way...
  19. dralion

    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    Hey VG, decided to ask more question here so the whole forum gets the benefit of your knowledge. In post #117 you talk about bacteria breaking down elements into useable form for plants. What do you know about the different water treatments municipal use to treat water and how this might effect...
  20. dralion

    Supporting Heavy Branches

    Anyone have any good idea for supporting heavy branches. Im growing outdoors and would like to get any branch supporting system in place now, before its to late and I wreck something putting it in place. I saw a picture somewhere, but cant find it now, where someone used bamboo stakes and twine...