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  1. B


    no one else has experience with these 2 companies?
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    anyone else want to chime in? thank you simpsonsampson - your response was very helpful, I do have a question for you. So if stability is what I want, I then do not want a f1 hybrid? Because an f4 or further has "weeded" out the negative pheno's?
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    hey guys, I am considering a purchase from attitude. My question is simple I see there are company's like KC / Paradise / Serious / Nirvana. I am torn between buying 2 sets of fem nirvana ( northern lights / blue mystic ) or buying 1 set of paradise Ice Cream Now the 2 nirvana = the 1...
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    indica or sativa what strain w/pics!!!

    in high : Indica will be more of a couch lock - "stoned" - put you on your ass type weed. Sativa: vibrant - much more active. Difference in grow: indica are typically shorter ... broader fat leaves : they tend to finish flowering faster. Sativa's are taller plants - take longer to flower...
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    Theres a tree in my closet

    no 1 can tell you its yield - yield is a function of lighting / vent / strain and many other factors. here is what we can tell you. Good looking plant - have fun with it. And whatever amount you get ... whether its 1gram ( being a smart ass ) or 1000000000 lbs... you will love smoking that...
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    Raised Beds....Looking for yield only..

    I would strongly reconsider your grow. If you are a US grower then I wouldnt go over 99 plants. If you are using 8 lights I would set up a 8 room system each housing 12 plants ... move the plants room to room 1 time every week. ( flowering ) and you will be harvesting 12 plants per week. This...
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    Hydroponics Overcrowding

    No one is able to answer this question or shed light? Cmon guys, I know there is atleast 1 person on this site that can point me in the right direction... i guess I will +rep anyone who answers my question.
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    Hydroponics Overcrowding

    bump - Bump - Bump
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    Black Light

    from all that i had read on black lights : theory tells us that black lights should step up resin production - but no tests have found this to occur, therefore they are useless. What i had read though, not experience
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    Hydroponics Overcrowding

    Reason I staggered them was so I could push the totes close together. If i put the pots in very corners then I must space totes even further apart which makes them not fit in the box very well. I tried my darndest to find a huge square 3x3 tote that would work, but couldnt find anything .
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    Hydroponics Overcrowding

    semi pics.
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    Hydroponics Overcrowding

    will draw up a picture to add.
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    Hydroponics Overcrowding

    Hey guys, I have a question about Hydroponic Plant Spacing. I am currently creating a DWC ( bubbleponics style ) system. I am using 5 1/2" net pots. Each Tote is a 18 gallon Rubbermaid ... size is 18"x24" ( 4 plants per tote ) Yesterday I drilled out holes and placed my pots. My only...
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    Question about Bongs.

    yep - I know about most of the landlord tenant laws such as the 24 hours before entrance ( unless emergency ) and so on. But before I start all that I want to have it all gone - so they have no case whatsoever.
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    Question about Bongs.

    I know - this is the wrong place for this question... But I have a quick question anyways. I just moved into a new Apt. - I have noticed that someone has been in my apt without my consent recently - My question is simple. Can you store a glass bong / bub in a garage over winter? ( its about...
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    from what I understand of Marinol is that it uses THC as a medicine but some how does not intoxicate you. I dont know if this is true or not, but that is what I have read about it.
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    I have learned my lesson.

    if all the seeds are of the same strain why not let the ( 1 male - fastest growing / best tendencies ) mate with your 1 female ( i would cut her up and clone her ... then let male breed with all the female clones ) get more seeds? read in the Growers Bible ... talks about how you can make the...
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    Yield Amount?

    Hey everyone, I have been reading on Nirvana / Attitude about their seeds output yield... it says 400 - 500 grams per Meter Squared. My grow box is 12sq ft / 6 feet tall ... I am wondering how I should grow to obtain this high output... should I do like 5 bigger plants under my 600watt hps...
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    All time low, dad finds daughters grow-op and puts her in jail.

    You must still be young - Its not a joke to get caught growing - it goes on your record ... its something that every job will see forever. It can destroy careers and remove all potential of a career in some cases ( a felony charge ) : you handle these types of things privately, he has done more...
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    Seeds ( advice needed )

    I had considered doing that Jonny, but I have run into a ethical dilema, "loose lips sink ships" - so I have told NO one ... my Lab retriever doesnt even know whats up. But if i send it to his home without him knowing what it is ... i feel kinda like i am putting a friend at risk and i dont...