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  1. G

    hungry or thirsty?

    so over night my plant i just started to flower went from perky leafs to droopy leafs .does that mean it needs nutes or water?its been 4 days since i waterd them,so i watered it today and its evan more droopy,should i give it time?or maybe flush it and give it some nutes?any ideas?thanks
  2. G

    ready for flowering?

    yep thats the way i look at,and basicly if i dont fk it up it will all pay for itself after only 1 it is defiently worth it to spend all that money to have (not the best )but a pretty decent home grow set up.and yeah if u would have saw the roots then u would think it would b...
  3. G

    1 month old do they look?

    there gorgeous!here what mine looked like at 1 month lol
  4. G

    ready for flowering?

    thanks for all the comments guys i apreciate it,lol makes me proud of that lil bag seed,that plant is a fighter XD as for the details ,it is in miricle grow organic mix,.(it was the only thing i had availible at the time but my new plants are in fox farm ocean forest).i use dyna gro grow for the...
  5. G

    Seeds seized at LA customs...

    i live in la and i got my seeds in 7 days from tssc with no prob,they arrived the day after christmas XD
  6. G

    ready for flowering?

    this is my first grow,its just a bag seed i used for practice,this plant is about 2 months old,does it look normal/right size for its age?when it was 2 weeks old i transplanted it and accidently riped off nearly all the roots so it didnt grow at all for like 2-3 weeks.its in miricle grow...
  7. G

    germinate seeds with rooting gel?

    i was thinking about either diping a entire seed in clone x rooting gel or only diping the root that pops from the seed.i have tried to google it but no one seems to have done it yet,im interested in your opinions in the matter.feel free to leave some of your thoughts about doing this.
  8. G

    quick question about my plants

    k,well here is some pics,hope u can tell the diff between them XD so do they look ok for 7 days old?does the one in the second pic look stretched to yall?
  9. G

    quick question about my plants

    lol thanks,im sure it will become obvious when they go into flowering,but is there any way to tell wich is wich other than waiting a few months?
  10. G

    quick question about my plants

    i mixed up my white widow and big bud plant,they are 1 week old,i forgot to label them when i transplanted lol.when will i be able to tell them apart and how?
  11. G

    original white widow?

    has anyone had any exsperience with the paridise-original white widow (ibl) ?i heard there are alot of knock offs of white widow strains,is this a quality strain or just a knock off?
  12. G

    how do i know if my fim worked?

    no i didnt know that,dam... i thought that it increases ur yeild by disapointed now :(
  13. G

    how do i know if my fim worked?

    perfect!thank you!so i gues my fim worked and i should have 8 new tops!
  14. G

    how do i know if my fim worked?

    trust me,i tried that,i looked for like 2 hours looking every on the web,i just need to know exactly what it should look like if my fim worked.
  15. G

    how do i know if my fim worked?

  16. G

    how do i know if my fim worked?

    lol cause i want to fim my outher plants 2 weeks before they go into flowering,i fimed 1 to see if it will work,and i cant post a pic right now
  17. G

    how do i know if my fim worked?

    can anyone post a pic of the begining sprout/ growth of a newly fim plant?i been trying to fim my plants and i have no idea what to exspect to see if the fim worked.i do see little sprouts of leaves between the main stem and nodes that look like newly sprouted leafs at top of the plant,could...
  18. G

    what do yall think ?

    the pic on top is from 10 days ago,and the bottom 2 pics are from today,i have them in miricle gro organic soil,only soil i could find at the time,put i plan on puting them in fox farm soil when i tranplant them.i think they made great improvement over the last 10 days but im sstill not sure if...
  19. G

    what do yall think ?

    i only had them under the mh light for like 2 weeks,before that they only had 2 24 watt cfl and a 175 watt floro.i just recently began to feed them dyna-gro grow plant food do yall think they are getting back on track with there growth?
  20. G

    what do yall think ?

    its a 600w mh light