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  1. R


    What made it a female?
  2. R


    Sure, people can pretend to be anyone they want here, but without any proof. haha
  3. R

    DIY metal reflector

    Right on. When I hang my mylar I use long pieces of door trim to keep it in place, and the fans keep it waving, absolutely no hotspots. It's been rolled and unrolled a few times still looks almost new. Is mylar flammable? and the glue, heat might even soften or even melt it. The side of a stove...
  4. R

    Dr schultz cactus liquid plant food?

    What are the numbers?
  5. R

    Fan Leaves

    Wow. That is a lot of blades. too bad no pic.
  6. R


    plant maturity usually shows ,1,3,5,7,9
  7. R


    thats definately a male
  8. R


    It's not that much piss, plus it will definitively keep the animals away. I piss nearby my plants, but if this works for you buddy, piss on. lol
  9. R

    My 1st BubblePonics

    People are telling you dont need it ,if you turn it off it really, really won't help. lol Right now your seedlings should be moving (but not being whipped around) almost constantly The movement is what thickens the stem. All my cuttings and my mothers this year have the usual thick stem, If you...
  10. R

    DIY metal reflector

    Does rust paint stick to galv. steel? Or maybe the high heat paint they use on headers? Give it a splash of white. I think I read about the reflectivity of mylar crashing when badly crinkled? Or if you want to go hard-core budget, cut the side off a fridge and bend that up.
  11. R

    My 1st BubblePonics

    Buy a fan that moves back and forth,man. Put the fan so they only get as much as they can handle and you you won't have to worry about micro-tearing. A fan moving air never hurts.
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    Fungus On My Buds

    I've seen a dog and pony show once. It wasn't that good.
  13. R

    Clone vs. Seed

    When there is a low water-table and a plant receives water from the top continuously, is there any incentive to grow a tap at all? Regardless of clone or seed?
  14. R

    green stuff on roots?

    If it concerns you, take something impervious to light and cover the top of the bucket, algae needs light and moisture.
  15. R

    how tall can u veg??

    I have grown a bit and the only reason I would go less than 24/0 is to save money on the hydro, I went 18/6 this veg and will never again, I found they stretched more than other years, it looked like they were growing like mad until I counted the nodes.. I don't get the reference to developing...
  16. R

    topping mystery? whats going on with my plants?

    [/U] Sure, I guess, but I don't know why you would do that. How tall the plant is doesn't really matter, it's how many nodes are on the stalk that really matters. A branch is a bud.
  17. R

    My babies are dying?

    If the MG was burning them they would be dead, they are still babies. It's impossible to get to much light, it's the excess heat that kills. If they were mine I would find more light for them, cut bigger drain holes in the cups , get a fan pushing air over the soil to help evap. they need to be...
  18. R

    First Cloning Attempt - Need Advice

    The humidity dome keeps them alive by preventing the leaves from losing water.. That's the whole point of the dome, it keeps them alive while the hormones create roots out of the exposed cambium, but the air bubble prevented this.
  19. R

    First Cloning Attempt - Need Advice

    Too slow dude, when you take a cutting, you gotta be fast. Air bubble formed in the end and choked it out..
  20. R

    AK47 CFL Closet Grow

    Be proud, buddy!!! A nice example of a CFL grow. Many people have tried to do what you have done and failed. Regardless of yield. Now that you understand the process, imagine what you could do with 2 1K HPS's and a spare bedroom!!! Just Kidding, I think. cheers.