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  1. R

    Miracle Grow

    We're gonna need a bigger I've got a few clones in MG potting soil with 6" pots (only cause it was bought by accident. lol). The sky didn't fall. I just won't fert. untill after I transplant them. But before I used it I got my hands right in it and mixed it vigorously, breaking up any...
  2. R

    accidentally overwatered...

    Slap some pics up , buddy.
  3. R

    topping mystery? whats going on with my plants?

    The plant is designed to grow a new branch where every fan leaf and a stalk meet. Those are new branches forming. Your plant looks alright. Get an occil. fan moving some air, and the stalks will thicken and strengthen. No need to bury it . cheers.
  4. R


  5. R

    My babies are dying?

    You could set up a small veg closet for under 30-40$$, consider it an Buy a temp /humidity gauge for the closet and place it under the light with your tomatoes. That's the temp that matters. I don't have pics from this year sorry. Surf around the site, check their pics an use...
  6. R

    My babies are dying?

    Two weeks???? Stop watering everyday. Big cup, little plant, over watering will stunt the hell out of them. Just cause the top is dry, doesn't mean it needs water. Dig down the side 2 cm, see for yourself. Too much light is impossible, the excess heat is what kills them. Get a few CFL's...
  7. R

    3 Week In 2 Flower.. Can I Smoke The Trimmed Leaves??

    When a deer walks by and pisses all over it. lol
  8. R

    Run Off pH Is Ridiculous...

    I've grown outside for years using very alkaline water. NEVER pH'd my water.with no pH problems,good strong harvests. It's all in the soil mix and what buffering agents you use.. IMHO I also agree on how important our water supply is. you don't know what you got 'till its gone...
  9. R

    Outdoor watering....

    Every time you water, water as slowly as you can,make sure your medium is mostly wet, before you pour a whole bucket of water on them. If you don't the water will just run right out of your container, the water creates channels in the medium and will drain out right away (curse you gravity and...
  10. R

    Here we go...I'm FINALLY gonna grow my own...

    HID's create a lot of heat, so ventilation becomes very important. CFL's run much cooler, but you need a lot of them. I've never grown with LED's so I don't know. Make sure you have a fan going all the time. Paint the inside flat white or buy some mylar. Don't be so excited or you'll end up...
  11. R

    Idea help and whatnot.

    Just buy a 3$ bag of potting soil, a 2$ container, 5$ worth of 10-10-10 and leave it outside, let nature take its course. If you pay attention with water and proper ferts, you could harvest a QP. But only if you pay attention.
  12. R

    Do these girls look done?

    I've harvested a portion of one strain as soon as the buds came together then was forced to wait almost two weeks cut the rest and after curing the difference in high was noticeable.
  13. R

    Soil Pots Question

    How are you mixing your soil? Because straight potting soil can hold a lot of water for a long time.
  14. R

    accidentally overwatered...

    Sure,I've done it once or twice and there was no damage, once or twice wont hurt, it's when the soil is always wet, that's when you could have big problems. But it depends on size I think. You could make sure the pots are off the floor on a fridge grate or something like that to keep all the...