Here we go...I'm FINALLY gonna grow my own...

Hey guys! I'm very new to the forum and have NEVER grown my own. I am an avid smoker and recent college grad who is also unemployed. :/
Weed is getting way to expensive, at least how I like to smoke.
Anyway, I always thought that for optimal results in growing indorrs you needed a fish tank? However, the more I investigate I see that people grow n regular pots under very controlled environment.
I have also noticed that even one plant becomes ginormous. I originally thought, I'd grow just a small plant for my personal use. I would rather it not be extremely tall because of the area that I'm thinking of using.

I live in the attic of my parents' house. The side wall has a built in, I guess cubby hole. Probably 4 feet in length and width and about 1.5-2 in depth. However it is not concealed with a door. I was thinking about getting sheetrock (painting it white if I had to) and cut it to fit the frame. Does this sound too "gorilla"? I am on a very low budget so I figured that would work.
Another huge concern is the smell, I know there are ways around it like diy ventilators, whicih I am still trying to conceptualize, but Im guessing I really dont have to worry much until a couple of weeks in. So I will cross that bridge when I get to it. How concerned should I be with the smell getting downstairs? For my parents or visitors to smell? I need lights...led's...high voltage....right? I feel like once I read about the "best" light to use in one forum, another dictates a different one. HELP.

Also, ventilation in the space....would a small area fan do the job? I am in the attic, with poor ventilation, but I always have my ac on in the room...and I guess I'd have to make sure it is always on during growing, right?

Aaaahh, I am so excited. I always heard that you have to be very skilled and lcky to get seeds to sprout and grow, but I see so much success in this forum I am excited!

Talk to me! Give me tips!
Right now my seeds are germinating (they were baby "bagseeds") I hope they work....


HID's create a lot of heat, so ventilation becomes very important. CFL's run much cooler, but you need a lot of them. I've never grown with LED's so I don't know.
Make sure you have a fan going all the time.
Paint the inside flat white or buy some mylar.
Don't be so excited or you'll end up constantly looking and touching, this will kill them right away.
Too have a short plant that maximizes your space, you will have to read about HST and LST
Buy a good temp/humidity gauge.
AND good


Active Member
How concerned should I be with the smell getting downstairs? For my parents or visitors to smell?
Very concerned. :|

Most growers here would recommend waiting till you get your own place, and probably won't help you grow pot in somebody else's house without their knowledge/consent.


Well-Known Member
Very concerned. :|

Most growers here would recommend waiting till you get your own place, and probably won't help you grow pot in somebody else's house without their knowledge/consent.
Agreed...Carbon Filters and your own concentual place to garden

Pat Man

Active Member
I got a small tip for the smell...

I live on the 2nd floor of 3 in my house and my first grow (just mid seeds) that shit got dank all the way downstairs all over the first floor. I sealed off my vent extracting air from my room which helped a little and i also got this deodorizing gel. It attaches itself to the smelly molecules or whatever and kills them and let me tell you it made a world of a difference. my room still has a slight sent of dank and if i move my plants around too much the smell can leak a little into the hallway. this deodorizer was only like $20 and it lasts a year. its perfect for growers on a budget such as you and me.

once the plant gets to vegetation you will notice the smell growing so do something about it by then.

as for lights there are several solutions, find what best works for you. start small if you have to and work your way up as you become more experienced an knowledgeable.
