Idea help and whatnot.


Well, You see i've been wanting to grow
a decently small plant, have it outside.
water it now and then,
bring it back inside for the nights and
store it in my closet..
Something along that line anyways.

This is just pretty much,
An idea.
I don't have much of a budget
for grow parts, Or for cannabis
on that matter.. ( :cuss: )
So i was wondering if something like
this was possible,

Would it cause to much trauma to the plant
moving it from environment to
Would it even be able to grow correctly
with about nine to eleven hours
of sunlight??
Would it be able to survive in a dark closet
for the night span on a repetitive basis?
Would any of this be possible in pure dirt?
(From the ground, No rocks.
Small roots, Twigs anything along that kind.)

I know some of these are noobish questions,
But i have to ask to learn.
Don't I? :mrgreen:

I wish...
I had cannabis..



Just buy a 3$ bag of potting soil, a 2$ container, 5$ worth of 10-10-10 and leave it outside, let nature take its course.
If you pay attention with water and proper ferts, you could harvest a QP. But only if you pay attention.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt go with a photosensitive strain (needs 12/12 light cycle to flower) go with a good lowryder that yields (Diemos,ak47, lowryder 2), put it in pot with soil and like rocker333 said, use nutes and watch it closely. You can move it inside tho, b/c autos flower over time rather than using a light cycle.

^ rocker333 , why 333?


I don't want to use soil because the only place to get it is thirteen miles away,
I don't have a car and the hell with walking thirteen miles for soil.
That's why i wanted to know if just DIRT and WATER would work decently.
Sorry, Slightly foul mood today.



Active Member
Look for a good rich patch of dirt out back (Darker the soil the better) with good drainage and good exposure to south facing sunlight.
If you got some wood ash, compost, earth worms, chicken/bird poop, etc laying around amend it into the soil and plant your seedlings.
Oh and get some of that dirt put it into cups and start your seeding inside on a window seal that gets partial sunlight (Not direct), and move them outside when they are around a foot tall (Around a month indoors).
Water when the soil looks dry and fertilize every third watering.
But in all reality growing decent stuff takes time and it takes money, if you dont have the patience, time and money for it go buy a sack from your buddy.


Thanks all three of you for your replys,
Thank you for the advice that
was related to the topic. xD