topping mystery? whats going on with my plants?

I topped two of my plants about a week ago. Any way ive noticed that the top is starting to show two new growths, which im guessing is normal. The wierd part is right below the topped node, their are two more "things growing. On the node below. Almost looks like new leaves, but could this be showing its sex already? My plants are maybe 6 1/2 weeks old. These are the best pics i could get


Well-Known Member
your pics are a little blurry

but it looks like just new growth , ( were 2 branches are gonna grow from )

also your stem / stalk looks crazy long ( stretched )

you need to re plant it and bury it up to the first set of leaves and lower your lights so it does not stretch like that

Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )


Well-Known Member
These are where new leaves are going to form into eventually fan leaves ,I think the pics are blurry, but it is normal growth. Try to pay close attention to how the grows/forms and you will be more informed in the future as to what is normal and what isn't.
Goten hit the nail on the head - Your lights are either not adequate or too far away.
CFL's and T5's allow you to get close to the plant which will give you shorter internodial length. That is the length between each place that branches.


New Member
These are where new leaves are going to form into eventually fan leaves ,I think the pics are blurry, but it is normal growth. Try to pay close attention to how the grows/forms and you will be more informed in the future as to what is normal and what isn't.
Goten hit the nail on the head - Your lights are either not adequate or too far away.
CFL's and T5's allow you to get close to the plant which will give you shorter internodial length. That is the length between each place that branches.
Not just were a fan will grow but an entire branch........


The plant is designed to grow a new branch where every fan leaf and a stalk meet. Those are new branches forming.
Your plant looks alright.
Get an occil. fan moving some air, and the stalks will thicken and strengthen. No need to bury it .
Im using a 400w hps. And the stems aren't that skinny. The light is 18 inches from top, anycloser they get way to warm. I have a fan as well as a wundow open. The door to the room stays open throughout the day and allows the ac to blow in the room making temps around 82 degrees. I close the door at dark times. This is my first grow so i really wasnt sure of what to expect. The tallest plant is 11 1/2 inches tall and i just didnt think it was growing. My smallest plant is 4 inches tall, lol. I topped that one too eary i think but its growing real good now. It just took about 2 weeks to really start growing back (bag seed). The other plants are between 7 and 10 inches tall, some just grow faster than others i guess. Are they vegging by now?
its been a rough six weeks. I messed the plants up pretty bad i believe by overwatering. i Cut a lot of the lower foilage off, they turned yellow. thats why the stems look so long. Leaves are also startng to come back their too. Where i cut the branches off.


its been a rough six weeks. I messed the plants up pretty bad i believe by overwatering. i Cut a lot of the lower foilage off, they turned yellow. thats why the stems look so long. Leaves are also startng to come back their too. Where i cut the branches off.

Sure, I guess, but I don't know why you would do that.
How tall the plant is doesn't really matter, it's how many nodes are on the stalk that really matters. A branch is a bud.
i will be the first to admitt i dont know what im doing. Im just reaqding a lot and trying to figure it out on my own. I guess i should of asked about cutting them off. The leaves were completly yellow, so i figured it might affect the rest of the plant. I will grab some clearer pics in a few.

Grow Info

These are where new leaves are going to form into eventually fan leaves ,I think the pics are blurry, but it is normal growth. Try to pay close attention to how the grows/forms and you will be more informed in the future as to what is normal and what isn't.
Goten hit the nail on the head - Your lights are either not adequate or too far away.
CFL's and T5's allow you to get close to the plant which will give you shorter internodial length. That is the length between each place that branches.
Pazuzu is correct, this is normal growth :)