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  1. polo the don

    Side by Side by Side - help me pick nute #2 & #3

    I say dyna-gro. I've done side by sides with sister clones using GH, technaflora, and dyna. I now use only dyna-gro products, nuff said.
  2. polo the don

    Big Band / Micro / Stealth / Scrog / Led / DWC / Kannabia

    Subbed. I have to see what it can do!
  3. polo the don

    Are they done yet? What does "done" look like?

    Time for another experiment! I'll check out the links and try it out for myself. Thanks.
  4. polo the don

    Are they done yet? What does "done" look like?

    Hey Rid, tell me more about this boil thing you do...
  5. polo the don

    This look about ready to roll?

    Umm,do you mean you are going to go 12/12?, or did you already flip to 12/12?,or are those autoflowers?? Those look to be flowering already. If they are autos no need to flip them. You will yield more from an auto with 18/6. If those are photos they are WAY past preflowering. What light schedule...
  6. polo the don

    Easy DWC tutorial (mini)

    What kinda yield have you pulled from the WDWC? The first "W" is for wipes. I have so many wipe boxes I have to make some now,lol
  7. polo the don

    Easy DWC tutorial (mini)

    That's soo cute. I've made mini DWC's outta butter bowls and fruit cups. Ya know, just for fun...
  8. polo the don

    Drying/Effects on sinuses/allergies

    You sure do know how to make a fella feel good about himself. Thanks, that means a lot coming from you.
  9. polo the don

    are carbon filters and air cool reflectors needed?

    I did like that guys post. By liking it, in this case, it means I agree with what what he said.
  10. polo the don

    GroErr Grows...

    Sounds like good f'ing times.!
  11. polo the don

    Rate my bud (just from looking at it)

    Bro, I did that same shit many moons ago when I was a new grower. I let the calendar tell me when to chop instead of the plants. Don't feel bad just do better next time.
  12. polo the don

    First Grow Ever, Automatics Indoors

    Its fine man. I wouldnt worry too much about that. Just be careful next watering and if you do happen to splash on the leaves wipe it off.
  13. polo the don

    guatamala worm hallucinogen

    Interesting, never heard of it.
  14. polo the don

    GroErr Grows...

    Here in south Louisiana we see about 1/2 inch if snow per decade, if even that much. Hell, we can wear shorts on Christmas
  15. polo the don

    Not sure how to hang my light Simple, cheap
  16. polo the don

    First Grow Ever, Automatics Indoors

    What problems are you referring to? I really don't see too much wrong in the pics. If your talking about that spot or two, it looks like splash burn to me. In the 6th picture you can see water droplets on the plants. Not good for two reasons. When you splash water with nutrients it directly...
  17. polo the don

    First Year Strains Grown

    Very nice report. Looks like you had a hell of a first year! I sure would like to be your toilet.
  18. polo the don

    GroErr Grows...

    Please be sure to tell us how that Harliquin make you feel. So sad you didn't get a male for some seeds. I guess I'm just gonna have to order some myself...
  19. polo the don

    anybody want to guess what pills the are?

    What a waste IMO. I would rather be awake to feel my opiates but that's just me. I'm glad YOU enjoyed it YOUR way.