Rate my bud (just from looking at it)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys this is my second harvest first one turned out to be terrible. So i'd say this is my first successful harvest so go ahead and rate it from what you can see. View attachment 3311816 scale of 1-10
Ay dy0nz don't get discouraged man...it's easy to talk down to someone with less experience and act like you never were a beginner at some point, but I guarantee everyone in here has fucked something up before (not that you necessarily 'fucked up' but that bud is a bit premature). The good news is you did better than your previous attempt, so you're making progress. Next time I expect to see a big fat ass dense bud with all the pistils receded n none of that fluffy swirly shit ;P

I pulled one of my first colas early n it looked similar to what you got going on - it still got you high, but compared to the ones that I let go longer it was definitely weaker. Ended up throwing that one in with the trim jar for budder.

I'ma give you a 4/10.

Even NEW to the game, I'd post images BEFORE chopping early and ASK.
Snaps does have a valid point tho lol...good to ask first. Coulda saved you an early harvest.
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Well-Known Member
Hey bro, as mentioned before, don't let this get you down. My last grow i had one hermie late in flower and didn't catch it and ended up with some seeded bud. I was choked at first but I used it as a learning opportunity. That's what this is all about, pop some more seeds and get growing again


Well-Known Member
it looks smokeable due to having some visible resin content
but it does look immature 5-6 weeks i would say it needed another 3-4 weeks

i would smoke it if i was desperate i guess, but i would rather not


polo the don

Well-Known Member
Bro, I did that same shit many moons ago when I was a new grower. I let the calendar tell me when to chop instead of the plants.

Don't feel bad just do better next time.


Well-Known Member
no it was 4 plants under a 600 watt hps
well you definitely pulled them early then, 2-3 weeks early, which is when a lot of the weight is put on . Nothing 4-6 months of more growing can't cure. This is how you learn in the school of hard knocks.