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  1. C

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    So when you say I shouls look for 3w LED's, do you mean just the LED's and build it myself? The Mars Hydro fixture I posted, is that considered not efficient?
  2. C

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Thoughts on these? Also. I have a 30"x19.5"x31" cab. What would the optimal amount of led watts be for that size? I was gonna get 2 of the...
  3. C

    I suck at DIY. Any good Carbon Filers for small cab online?

    Thanks. Do you know if there is a video or thread that shows how you made your filter?
  4. C

    I suck at DIY. Any good Carbon Filers for small cab online?

    So if you were me and had my cab, what would you be ordering for fans and carbon filter?
  5. C

    How to make scrog screen?

    Hey guys, Just wondering what some common materials and ways you guys use to make a scrog screen? My grow cab is 30"H x 19.5" D x 31"L.
  6. C

    I suck at DIY. Any good Carbon Filers for small cab online?

    Instead of a PC, I just bought a cabinet that measures 30" H x 19.5" D x 31" L. Any more options open up for that extra space?
  7. C

    Low THC/High CBD for my parents - Canada?

    So what about the CDB? Is that still beneficial not heated? I thought it wasn't activated until even hotter temps than THC?
  8. C

    Low THC/High CBD for my parents - Canada?

    Thanks guys. So does THC not affect us unless it's heated?
  9. C

    Any way for a Canadian to get CDB Oil?

    None where I live. I'm guessing you are in BC?
  10. C

    I suck at DIY. Any good Carbon Filers for small cab online?

    As the title says. I really suck at DIY, so I'm wondering idf there are some really good filters online that I could buy that would be a good fit for a PC fan 120mm or 140mm?
  11. C

    Anyone Here Use Probiotics?

    I've been meaning to try it. Thanks for reminding me.
  12. C

    Mr Grow Pro users... How is the Carbon Filter and airflow?

    Thanks. I think I may build one myself, just not sure where I can find a cabinet like that. Not in a city or anything so stores are limited.
  13. C

    Any way for a Canadian to get CDB Oil?

    I can't see how to PM you. I'm guessing I don't have enough posts yet. Yeah I'm really interested in the oil for myself and my parents. I struggle with Anxiety, my father has had back surgeries and my mother seems to be having some Neurological problem that the doctors can't figure out.. shaking...
  14. C

    Canadians: Where do you like to order your seeds?

    Just as the title says. I'm trying to fins some of the top places to order from for us Canadians.
  15. C

    Any way for a Canadian to get CDB Oil?

    I really want my parents to try it for their medical conditions, but of course you can't buy it here. I'm just wondering if there is anywhere that will ship it in discreet packaging?
  16. C

    Mr Grow Pro users... How is the Carbon Filter and airflow?

    Hey guys, I really have no other choice but to do a PC grow for many reasons. I'm not good at all at DIY and so I was thinking of ordering the Mr. Grow Pro pre-built PC Case. What I am mostly worried about it how good the filter is in that case. When in flower did it do a good job keeping the...
  17. C

    Buying this ballast for my dad. What kind of bulbs to get? I'm buying this ballast for my father, but wondering what kind of bulbs I should get? I want to save a bit of money but also don't want crap that's gonna crap put on me easily.
  18. C

    Low THC/High CBD for my parents - Canada?

    Nice. I'm curious how a 5% CBD/5% THC would compare to like a 12%CBD/12% THC.