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  1. M

    How are my plants looking? 6 weeks in

    Sorry man, from reading up on previous posts by members, it seems more often than not people are asking for more detail/information, so I just supplied as much as I could! Thanks for the info and advice guys, I have been feeding them quite regularly but if you think they still look hungry maybe...
  2. M

    How are my plants looking? 6 weeks in

    EDIT: I realised I posted this twice, by accident. Now can't find a way to delete it! Hello all, first time grower. Looking for general opinions on my work so far... Long version (skip for tl;dr) 6 week old White Diesel Haze Auto and a 5 week old Bulk Smash Auto. Medium: Germinated in coco...
  3. M

    How are my plants looking? Advice needed! - 6 weeks in

    Hello all, first time grower. Looking for general opinions on my work so far... Long version (skip for tl;dr) 6 week old White Diesel Haze Auto (Sat-dom) and a 5 week old Bulk Smash Auto (Ind-dom). Medium: Germinated in coco, both been transplanted once. Both still on hand-watering, however...
  4. M

    Help!! - purple stem, seedling falling over, first time grower

    I didn't say/mean to say the red stem was damping off. I meant the reason why it had toppled over. I know the red/purple stem could be down to a nutrient deficiency, but I had also read that seedlings sometimes do not need nutrients to start with. Not sure if that sort of reply was necessary, we...
  5. M

    Help!! - purple stem, seedling falling over, first time grower

    Hello all, long time lurker, first time poster. Also a first time grower, and I need help. I can go into detail with my setup and routine if it is required, but I first thought it would be easiest, and most simple, if I just gave a basic outline to my problem. I've spent countless hours...