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  1. papadankles

    My first Journal

    This is my clone setup. It seems to work for me for now :) Here is my VEG. room! open to suggestions if anyone has experience with closets with only one entrance for air. But for now its working great. Flower pics later. :)
  2. papadankles

    My first Journal

    Today its hour 55 and im checking on my seeds. STATUS UPDATE: 5 Animal cookies seeds-4 have opened. 10 Humbolt Lemon-0 have opened. 2 Safari Mix-1 have opened. Big bud- 0 have opened Herijuana X Majestic- 2 have opened. Hoping tomorrow brings lighter days :)
  3. papadankles

    northern light auto day 21 from seed

    what did you do to fix the problem? what was the problem?
  4. papadankles

    First time grow. Need info and answers.

    Do you have a light above the plant? or just the sides? and be careful with homemade CO2. I would at least get a co2 reader. You break 1800ppm your plants are not only gonna die, but you wont be able to breathe either.
  5. papadankles

    Newbie here, need info on my setup and plants

    I would def. get some more lighting. I believe I notice one of your plants in a clear container. just keep in mind that your trying to mimic mother nature as best as you can. and whether you realize it or not your letting light into the container through the bottom. So I would purchase some 1...
  6. papadankles

    week 1, i dont know what to do next! help!!

    I would move indoors as well, and just put it under a small fluorescent light. Then do some research on the page ASAP. and ask alot of questions.
  7. papadankles

    Ideas for growing away from my home

    I dont think your not gonna get very many answers to this question. Plants need TLC everyday. (or just about) so you would have to find a place that you would be able to have access too. Temperature is a factor, so you will need to find a place that either already has good core temperature or...
  8. papadankles

    My first Journal

    So just a little more info on my grow. I separated all of my seeds by strain and let them soak in cups of water for 18 hours. I then transferred them to paper towels. I ensured by PH levels were solid and drenched my seeds in water to rest for the next 55 hours. Now just another 48. :) I have...
  9. papadankles

    My first Journal

    This is my first grow journal and I am growing a few different strands from seeds as you can see in the pictures. Will explain my 3 different grow room setups as I go further into this round.:hump:kiss-ass
  10. papadankles

    1st seed transplant

    what do you mean legalize? I have my Medicinal card if that is what you are asking.
  11. papadankles

    Ducting A/C to Grow tent

    Ya and I can honestly say that having one made a dramatic difference for my plants. I had a 4x4x8 tent in my garage and having the ac kept is at perfect temp. So if you can splurge, I would.
  12. papadankles

    Ducting A/C to Grow tent

    Portable AC unit works well for me
  13. papadankles

    Anyone with experience with auto's

    I have had the same problem before. Mine eventually caught up and was fine. Are you giving it any root nutes?
  14. papadankles

    Good co2 method not using yeast:)

    There is dry ice, I have also seen people go and purchase a spray bottle and some carbonated water. Pour the water into the bottle and spray your plants.( I wouldn't think it would be for high levels of exchange of CO2. Hope this helps
  15. papadankles

    Help needed, coco/perlite grow, please look at pics

    I would also consider not running the temp so cold at night, too cold of temperatures can start to cause withering. I had my first setup at 65 off and 75 on, ended up getting frost.
  16. papadankles

    florwering clones???

    Should be good, check your strains for more info!
  17. papadankles

    First time Grow New Zealand few question

    Never had any seeds get picked up. If you order from more of the companies from the netherlands that sell them as "novelties" then it shouldnt be an issue. I agree with CrixMix about outside in November. Good luck mate!
  18. papadankles

    1st seed transplant

    Put them a few inches away from the top of your plant to prevent stretching. (Remember, plants reach for light) Just put your hand under the lights (Palm down) just above your plants to feel the heat from your lights. If its hot then raise it, if it needs to be lowered then do so. Adjust with...
  19. papadankles

    First time grow. Need info and answers.

    so what kind of lighting rotation are you using? if any? 24 hours of light? any darkness? what kind of container are you using for your plant right now?
  20. papadankles

    This is a nitrogen deficiency, right?

    Jugs have gotta go