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  1. Gr33nBean

    Do they look ready? Lots of pics!!

    **update** check the trichs today and alot of them were cloudy there was some that were clear but for the most part cloudy like 80% and 20% are still clear. wat do you guys think maybe a week. Wanting more of an up high so ima pick before amber but should i wait for all them to be cloudy cuz its...
  2. Gr33nBean

    Do they look ready? Lots of pics!!

    agreed on the scope but what about leaving the bottom half cuz its clearly not ready
  3. Gr33nBean

    Do they look ready? Lots of pics!!

    I don't have one personally but i have a friend down the street who bought one from radio shack i just use his. I'm looking for more of and uplifting rather than sedative so cloudy would mean pick. what about cutting down the top half in about a week or so and letting bottom ripen up more. I...
  4. Gr33nBean

    Do they look ready? Lots of pics!!

    Oh and check out the lil auto flowering in there as well
  5. Gr33nBean

    Do they look ready? Lots of pics!!

    I've been flowering my girl for about 2months now. I went ahead and started my final flush going on a week today. I was able to check the trichs with my friends microscope a couple days ago and all i could see was clear but they look pretty done. Well the top half does I let it get to big and...
  6. Gr33nBean

    Question about lighting during flowering and then some. Need good advice.

    Oh ya Ive got two small bottom branches that are weak and falling over to the side. would it be better to cut them, or let it do its thing, there the first two branches and very small and weak, hardly any leaves but a few pistils on the top.
  7. Gr33nBean

    help with growing from seed

    Poke a stick into soil see if its wet. Maybe its the excitement but i always accidentally over water when there small, thinking more water more growth, but roots need o2 too try mixing some perlite and vermiculite with the soil
  8. Gr33nBean

    Question about lighting during flowering and then some. Need good advice.

    I got one huge plant about a month into flowering with a lot of bud sites but only the top seems to be getting dense. Using a couple cfl at 2700k around 150 watts, but this plant is big its hard to get inner lighting. the bottom leaves are droopy but it doesn't seem to affect anything or be a...
  9. Gr33nBean

    useing molasses as sole source of nutes?

    If thats all your using for nutes i'd defintaly do 2 tbs per gallon and work your way up to 3 or four towards final flush. Molasses is like a carbo load for your plant working your way up past two shouldnt have any problems since your not using any other nutes
  10. Gr33nBean

    Is this a nute burn?

    No one huh? Any advice at all would be appreciated. i out two months into her so far dont want to lose her>
  11. Gr33nBean

    Need Help- Maybe a nute Burn????

    she looks horrible now. all inner branching and top growth drying and curling up. its flushing with clean water now. any tips on how to revive?????? PLease i need help asap!! thanks!!!!
  12. Gr33nBean

    Is this a nute burn?

    PLant is almost dead. how can i save her. roots are good. every branch drooping lokking real real; bad. ohther plant is perfect. there roots were growing together so i seperated them. could this be one dominating the other. Pleas please help
  13. Gr33nBean

    Need Help- Maybe a nute Burn????

    Ya i didn't thank it was the heat either. thanks for responding. I just spent a lot of time on these plants and hope she survives. It was about 80 degrees now i got door open to closet and a/c on its 70. I got some water dechlorinating with a water conditioner how long does it need to sit out?
  14. Gr33nBean

    Is this a nute burn?

    leaves are getting really droopy now. Need some help ASAP. Thanks!!
  15. Gr33nBean

    Need Help- Maybe a nute Burn????

    any other ideas anyone, maybe heat, or should i flush with clean water???
  16. Gr33nBean

    Is this a nute burn?

    Came home to this today. Reservoir has low water and i added a gallon worth of nutrients to it last night. This morning it was all good, but when i got home this happened. Left closet door closed. could it have been the heat. Ph 5.7 and i got some water sitting out how long should it take to...
  17. Gr33nBean

    Need Help- Maybe a nute Burn????

    Ph is 5.7 i gave 30mL which was for a gallon. the water level in my tank is low so i think adding that maybe of been to strong for what was in my tank. i got some water sitting out right now how long should if take to dechlolrinate if used a water conditioner with it?
  18. Gr33nBean

    Need Help- Maybe a nute Burn????

    I added some nutrients to my reservoir last night awoke this morning and everything good. It wasn't a whole lot just to replenish. I was gone all day and left closet door closed so it got really hot. i have two plants, one is huge and has nothing wrong but my little one fan leaves looks real...
  19. Gr33nBean

    over watering

    clones try using some cfl about 2-4 inches away. maybe lighting wasnt sufficient.