Need Help- Maybe a nute Burn????


I added some nutrients to my reservoir last night awoke this morning and everything good. It wasn't a whole lot just to replenish. I was gone all day and left closet door closed so it got really hot. i have two plants, one is huge and has nothing wrong but my little one fan leaves looks real crispy brown yellow, droopy, but inner branching seems to be fine just droopy. what do yall think? Gr33nBean!


Ph is 5.7 i gave 30mL which was for a gallon. the water level in my tank is low so i think adding that maybe of been to strong for what was in my tank. i got some water sitting out right now how long should if take to dechlolrinate if used a water conditioner with it?


Active Member
What's your temps near the leaves? It doesn't really look like heat in my opinion. I'd flush and obtain a ppm meter.


Ya i didn't thank it was the heat either. thanks for responding. I just spent a lot of time on these plants and hope she survives. It was about 80 degrees now i got door open to closet and a/c on its 70. I got some water dechlorinating with a water conditioner how long does it need to sit out?


Active Member
24 hours at the very least. If you are able I'd run to your local market I'm not sure if your in the US but walmart has distiller water with only 1 ppm you could get a gallon or two and flush with that tonight. I hope your babies survive.

They look okay but you want to flush soon.


she looks horrible now. all inner branching and top growth drying and curling up. its flushing with clean water now. any tips on how to revive?????? PLease i need help asap!! thanks!!!!