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  1. G

    1st cheap cfl-veg/hps-flower med grow !! Lots of pics !!

    tis looking good to me so far man plants look nice and healthy. ill be keeping an eye out to see how it all goes on. since you're doing a closet grow where are you venting the outtake air to and are you planning on using a carbon filter? peace griever
  2. G

    1st grow in a PC case, 125W envirolight 2700k, auto big bang and auto jack

    i've literally just returned from adding a new fan in which is shown below lol. thanks though. the one at the bottom which was my outtake is now my intake and iv added an outtake just right of the light so it can take the heat out from the top of the case. the main reason i added it was...
  3. G

    1st grow in a PC case, 125W envirolight 2700k, auto big bang and auto jack

    hey, thanks for stopping by. about 180 views and only 1 comment lol. update time though. received my thermometer/hygrometer through the post a few days ago so i can check the situation now. temps seems good ranging from 74-86. humidity seems low though, it is hanging around the 31-37% mark. i...
  4. G

    1st grow in a PC case, 125W envirolight 2700k, auto big bang and auto jack

    day 18 and everything is looking great to me. i put them in the sun a bit today since they are stuck in a pc case all day and it was a scorching hot day. we have our first signs of white hairs on the jack too!! i cant take a picture of that close up cos this camera is pretty rubbish but ill be...
  5. G

    1st grow in a PC case, 125W envirolight 2700k, auto big bang and auto jack

    update day 15 everything seems ok, repotted them earlier on today and covered up half the stem with compost and watered slightly to hopefully fix the stretching problem. Jack both big bang both Jack bb to me the jack looks quite healthy compared to the big...
  6. G

    air flow quick question

    thanks for the replies, has helped me out a bit. i know there aren't any written rules but i was just unsure. the only real way of me drawing cold air in from the outside is the have my window open 24/7 which i don't really fancy doing since the winter months get freezing. my room is quite cool...
  7. G

    air flow quick question

    sorry i'v had a quick look round with search and on google but i cant find a specific answer. i'm planning on building a closet grow using a 125w envirolight so heat wont be too much an issue but im not sure what to do to supply constant fresh air to my plants. ill probs have 2-3 plants in there...
  8. G

    1st grow in a PC case, 125W envirolight 2700k, auto big bang and auto jack

    hey people. iv been following this website quite a bit (look through pictures of plants for hours lol) and have been wanting to grow for a good 2-3 years now, just been anxious starting it as im guessing many people would on their first grow. finally decided to just give it a go and see the...