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  1. C

    New Members First Grow

    Thought I'd show some growth progress of my blooming OG Kush. you can see in the pics that the leaves are turning yellow. Is the light too strong? Jan 02 Jan 08 Jan 11 Jan 20 Some additional info about my grows. I use near 0 PPM RO water. PH is usually 5.8 and PPM is on the mark per the...
  2. C

    New Members First Grow

    Put her in a DWC on Jan 17th. pics from Jan 20th
  3. C

    New Members First Grow

    I will post more tomorrow.
  4. C

    New Members First Grow

    Jan 11th
  5. C

    New Members First Grow

    Jan 7th
  6. C

    New Members First Grow

    Jan 2nd
  7. C

    New Members First Grow

    So I receive another lady of the OG Kush type that was already in bloom cycle. I split my room with poly and put the GSC under floros. She seemed to really love the softer lighting. Day 1 was December 15. These are from December 28th.
  8. C

    New Members First Grow

    Sorry for the dead thread. I forgot my account information. To answer your questions it is my first grow ever.
  9. C

    New Members First Grow

    I'm new to the forum and just received my first plant last night. I've been told this clone is an Original Girl Scout Cookie from Berkeley. I was planning on starting with two plants in a recirculating DWC using the Lucas Formula under LEDs but since this plant magically landed in my lap I...