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  1. forgedgreens

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    both, ill try one organic and one chemical to see if theres a big difference
  2. forgedgreens

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    do you know the name of a nutient grow that has all those things in it
  3. forgedgreens

    Nice homemade bong (Instructions on how to make)

    cuz custom made bongs can be way bigger and only 5 bux
  4. forgedgreens

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    hell yeah , the class method is doing best, already sprouted with small leaves, and the H.Gold i got in the rockwool did germ upside down!!!! should i continue giving it light? i gave it 1 hr darkness and then back to 23/1
  5. forgedgreens

    Cheap Flood / Drain System.....DIY

    right now i got 3 seeds germed , 2 himalaya gold and 1 power skunk. i only got a himalaya gold in the cube and the other 2 in soil. funny thing i planted the rockwool upside down and now the root is in the air..... yeah my first grow so gotta make them GROW your about to flower ur plants...
  6. forgedgreens

    seed planting direction

    dude my taproot tried going back down and i even tried helping it by attempting to poke a hole in the rockwool and it gave up going down and is in the AIR, and i think small leaves growing inside the cube.....
  7. forgedgreens

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    in the grow pic- on left himalaya gold im follwing the class with...(for some reason i thought they were called pigmy gold but they are himalaya gold) next to it is powerskunk i started 11-26-08 wit paper towel method and when it sprouted put in soil and pressed the soil.... and in the rockwool...
  8. forgedgreens

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    the ones at the bottom have water inside
  9. forgedgreens

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    ima germ another seed using ur method
  10. forgedgreens

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    ok so i just put the seed to germ last night and already shes coming out! rockwool or soil (soil grow)
  11. forgedgreens

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    hey do u know i should put it in staight soil or rockwool then soil? go chargers
  12. forgedgreens

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    hell yeah ima get noob of the year, i germed a power skunk and a pigmy gold and accidentally burned the small sprouts once i put them in rockwool , so i just germed another power skunk and pigmy gold again and the power skunk sprouted and am wondering whether to put it straight into the soil...
  13. forgedgreens

    Cheap Flood / Drain System.....DIY

    it sure helped, redefined the way i imagine a drain and flood system to work, rockwool cubes are getting me aggitated and i have 30 starter cubes.
  14. forgedgreens

    1st grow,when 2 put sprouted seedling under light?

    should i get this baby a buddy and drop a seed straight into the cup of soil or germ in rockwool or paper towell. these rockwools seemed like a badass thing but slowly and surely are making me go to soil.... good looking on the input yo!
  15. forgedgreens

    1st grow,when 2 put sprouted seedling under light?

    yeah i think i might have fried the poor things cuz once i read on RIU to put the cfl as close as possible , I did that however i forgot to check if it was to hot with my hand (to make matters worst i put a normal softwhite bulb , while i was looking for my 24watt cfl) . the sprout was...
  16. forgedgreens

    1st grow,when 2 put sprouted seedling under light?

    hmm ..... i put took off the humidity plastic and put the 75w light bulb on it (maybe too close) and now the leaves went from green to brown again, this baby is changing from pale/brown/green/brown.... maybe light is getting to the root and not liking it?? maybe as soon as the seed sprouts...
  17. forgedgreens

    1st grow,when 2 put sprouted seedling under light?

    cool, should i put a cfl or an hps at a distance? when should i start giving it nutrients? i germed it in a rockwool, think i can still do a soil grow or do i gotta stick to hydro?:leaf:
  18. forgedgreens

    1st grow,when 2 put sprouted seedling under light?

    my Pigmy gold seed sprouted and i have it in a paper cup with plastic creating humidity and that cup on top of a heating device.....:clap: The plant leave came out this morning but its sorta pale with some brown? is the heating device too hot? now that its sprouted should i move it to some...