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  1. S

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    This was from 2 weeks ago. I went on vacation and I am now back. This is my first plant and I am totally lost as to when to harvest it.
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    Show me your CFL Grows!!!

    3 weeks into flowering.
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    Yellowish Browning?

    Grat info! Thank you!
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    Yellowish Browning?

    Thank you for the info del! The loads of food to light thing makes sense.
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    Yellowish Browning?

    Since I did not get any replies last night I went ahead and flushed the soil of the plant. So far it seems to have stopped the yellowing and the flat crispness of the leaves. I am going to post up pics today when I get home from work. Did I miss something and that is why no one has replied to...
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    Yellowish Browning?

    Anyone? My poor plant is getting more marks... :(
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    Yellowish Browning?

    Hello all I have my very first plant and it is a clone. The tips of the leaves were yellow when I got her and ever since then some blotchy yellow marks have appeared. I have her inside and the soil is black gold. I water her daily with 200ml of water. Mixed with the water I am using root...
  8. S

    Quick and Simple Watering Question

    I am new to growing weed as well and just wanted to say hello and put my 2 cents in. I was told that 200ml daily is the thing to do for veg and you need to make sure to have grow and root nutrients for the plants. Is this the correct thing to do? So far it seems to be doing great for me since...