Yellowish Browning?


Hello all

I have my very first plant and it is a clone. The tips of the leaves were yellow when I got her and ever since then some blotchy yellow marks have appeared.

I have her inside and the soil is black gold. I water her daily with 200ml of water. Mixed with the water I am using root grow and veggie grow.

I am worried because her leaves are getting blotchy and I am afraid that this may be lockout.

Any advice is welcome and appreciated!



Since I did not get any replies last night I went ahead and flushed the soil of the plant. So far it seems to have stopped the yellowing and the flat crispness of the leaves. I am going to post up pics today when I get home from work.

Did I miss something and that is why no one has replied to my thread? I am all for community but maybe since I am new no one responded or maybe I left out some info?

Thank you Uncle Ben for your posts. I believe I am suffering from lockout and that is the cause of the plants issue. When you mentioned crisp flat leaves plus the yellow I knew what I was dealing with!


Well-Known Member
dont water and feed every day, water well then leave til pretty dry again, and not loads of food unless you got loads of light

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Hello all

I have my very first plant and it is a clone. The tips of the leaves were yellow when I got her and ever since then some blotchy yellow marks have appeared.

I have her inside and the soil is black gold. I water her daily with 200ml of water. Mixed with the water I am using root grow and veggie grow.

I am worried because her leaves are getting blotchy and I am afraid that this may be lockout.

Any advice is welcome and appreciated!
Yes, you are looking at a nutrient burn. For the size/age your plant is at, it really won't require many nutrients right now. Make sure whatever feeds you are using, that you only use 1/4 strength the recommended dosage right now. This will ensure that you are not overdosing them.

One of the most common signs of nute burns, is burnt leaf tips. A healthy plant that has a good balance of everything and not too much, will be lush green from tip to where they all meet at the stem of the leave. The stem of the leaf will be a good lime green, no purple or weakness. The sec you see burnt tips, you should either stop feeding for a bit and switch to water only, or if you fed way too much then it's best to get that out of the soil and start rebuilding the nutes in there after the plant has recovered. You do this by taking the pot to a sink, bathtub, patio/hose, ... and run atleast 5x the soil volume worth of water thru there and let it properly strain. You can til the plant 45 degrees and slowly rotate it so that it's getting every nook & cranny of the soil & volume within the pot. The water runoff at the bottom will usually be a dark to medium brown/amber, moving more to a light brown/clear color as the high nutrient content flushes out of the soil medium.

Hope this helps!