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  1. x.mistah

    how these look?

    yeah I don't think those will bud without some serious light. You might have better luck next year
  2. x.mistah

    First Time Outdoor Grow

    So this is my second attempt at trying to grow, my first plants died because of nute burn/too small a pot. This time the plants seem to have taken to a pot I already have a thriving Rosemary plant in, to camo them a bit. How they lookin? Are they too close to one another/the rosemary? Any...
  3. x.mistah

    Does this look adequate for flouros?? (Pics)

    looks good, you might consider running a tube along side (vertical) of the plant to get it some more light
  4. x.mistah

    you don't think this sh*t doesn't scare me?

    Put some cammo netting over them; at least they will have to come to your door to search your property
  5. x.mistah

    plz help! leaves went droopy/limp over 12hrs

    with only 1 cfl, I would have to say add more light bro
  6. x.mistah

    Outdoor Grow browning

    anyone? I'm in the dark here
  7. x.mistah

    Outdoor Grow browning

    Hey guys just seeing if anyone knows what's up with this plant. I may have watered with too many nutrients, however I just lost two almost fully grown plants to a similar problem and would hate for it to happen to my new batch of plants. Any suggestions/comments? They are planted in hyponex top...
  8. x.mistah

    FLIR in helicopters(outdoor)

    I always thought the FLIR systems were designed to track the heat signatures of light sources (HPS, etc.) that were being used to grow the weed, not the acutal plant itself.
  9. x.mistah

    So the pics are up

    go to pictures, then hit upload
  10. x.mistah

    Closet Sneaky Grow

    Just set this up. Old nintendo 64 display sign and 5 floro tubes. It's a very small space (>3 feet) and is paited white. The tubes run vertical along the plant, and it seems to like it. This shot is the first, two weeks in. and the setup I might have to get a better light, but the...
  11. x.mistah

    Will this work?

    Took the back off one of the old lighting displays that are common at video game stores. It has 5 X 20 Watts flourescent bulbs, and I've got two healthy plants coming up. Will The lights being vertical harm the plants? Will the lights be able to grow the plants all the way? Thanks in Advance
  12. x.mistah

    Grow Setup

    Ok so here it is, you can see through one side, and I took the display off the other side, leaving only a clear plastic sheet between the plants and the lights. It doesn't get too hot, but I'm not sure if it will be bright enough (5 bulbs @ 50Watts) to grow the two plants. If it will, this setup...
  13. x.mistah

    Grow Setup

    Ok, I've got two plants under 5 20 watt floursecnt bulbs (it was a lighting display for a video game store-but I thought it could be used otherwise) and its sitting upright in my closet. Is the lighting enough? Picst to come